That same little girl ends up disappointed every time a boy breaks her heart.
Every girl rolls her eyes at her dad and older brother when they hassle & tell her not to date the boys she brings over.
That same girl ends up wishing she would have listened.
Every dad tells her daughter he will cry when he walks down the isle on her wedding day.
His daughter never believes it til' he actually does.
Every teenage girl grows up, dates a million and one boys, thinking everyone is the boy she's destined to be with. Without fail, he ends up being a scum bag, cheater, or gay
Naturally, she moves on, or declares she's going lesbian.
But then, there's that one. The one who changes everything.
She begins to doodle all over her homework, "Mrs. (insert name)" accompanied by hearts and swirls.
Everything she is is compromised:
- Friends
- Schoolwork
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Hobbies
- etc.etc.etc.
The sad thing is, he never does the same, but it doesn't matter because she loves him.
As long as I've written, I've avoided the topic of love because I feel it's an entirely broad, cliche, and untouchable subject. But, here it goes..
When a girl is in love:
- Being ditched by her friends isn't so bad anymore
- The world could be on fire & she'd be fine, but if she got in a fight with him, she'd cry
- A minimum of 85% of what she thinks about involves him.
- She would genuinely give up everything she has for him.
- She'll take the blame, just because
- She wants other guys to ask if she has a boyfriend, just so she can say yes
- She'll get mad at him, but it lasts a max. of 10 seconds
- Talking to him never gets old
- He can hurt/take advantage of her, but she'll pretend it's ok and not happening
Sadly the list could go on.
A common phrase, "You complete me", How true that phrase is..
Yes.. Because you won't do the dishes I will. Yes.. Because you won't make the bed I will.
Make sense?
But in reality, love makes us do stupid (or not stupid depending on how you look at it) things; Some people are just more comfortable with it than others. Some people are more willing to make sacrfices.
Every relationship requires some sort of sacrifice, whether it be from sacrificing the pillow at night to taking/making a phone call that interupts a guys/girls night out.
The thing about (most) girls: They will make all the sacrifices to keep the relationship.
Deep down she wants him to buy her flowers, call her when he's with his friends, watch gossip girl with her, and do all the cheesy things we see in chick flicks. But when it comes down to it, to her, nothing matters but his love, and thats enough for her.
Every girl, or victim for that matter, knows the difference between what she really wants to say and start a fight, and what will keep the relationship peaceful and ideal.
No guy wants a clingy girlfriend, so she'll pretend she doesn't miss him. She'll pretend she doesn't care that slutty girls are coming on to him. When he forgets to call she'll tell him it's fine, and pretend she hadn't been frantically thinking about what she did done wrong.
No guy wants to be whipped and get shit from his friends, so she won't call him when he's with his friends even though she has something to tell him. She'll tell him he doesn't have to visit her when she's sick or come to her game. She'll tell him a guys night sounds great, and forget about the plans she spent all day thinking about.
Even though half the time a girl spends the time pretending she doesn't care, or having secret heart attacks over something, she genuinely wants the best for her boy. She is genuinely happy for him when he is happy. She is genuinely willing to let things go for the sake of a realtionship.
Reality check for the boys? Possibly.
Confessions of a girl? Most likely.
Every little girl grows up searching for prince charming, but every woman grows old trying to preserve him.