I think there is a common ground we all stand on in some aspects. They are the things for some reason bug us more than other things.
When they occur we find the sudden urge to shake our heads in displeasure, sigh heavily, and sometimes we let a little finger slip and mutter a choice word or two.
It seems we all have a "list".. and we always say "OMFG! That's my number one pet peeve!" right after we just said something else was our number one pet peeve too... but thats besides the point.
Pet peeves
1. Pandora
-Why can we only change the song a limited amount of times!? Talk about frustrating.
- Some songs don't even belong on the station I chose. Way to be an idiot Pandora!
2. Phones
-Why doesn't my phone spell taco? T9, You think it could spell that over mississippi.
-We enter the same words over and over and over, but still, our phones never spell them. T9, you suck.
-Dear computer, if you're so hitek, why are you so slow sometimes?
- I swear I am typing my password right, stop telling me it's wrong!
-"The page you have selected cannot be viewed at this time". Well why the heck not?!
1. Blinkers
- Leaving them on for 5 minutes after the turn has been made. Uh, are you deaf/blind?
- If they had used their blinker like they're supposed to, I could have gone/I wouldnt have come close to rear ending you!
2. "Bad asses"
- Sorry, but you're ridiculously loud bass doesn't make you cool, it's just annoying.
- So what, You have a big truck. Want a gold star?
- You drive 20 over the speed limit and then cut me off.. I hope you get a ticket!
1. Wording
- Seeing the letters "LOL" in a text makes me want to throw up. End of subject.
- Shortening things like "U" for you, "2" for to/too, etc. makes you sound ghetto. What kind of rush are you in that you can't use proper english?
2. Conversation
- Don't send one word texts, they're annoying. If you don't want to talk, then just say so.
- Conversation killers, just don't do it. Text like you're having an actual conversation, it's not that hard.
1. When it's in your mouth
-Please, chew with your mouth closed. That's more classy than showing me everything you're about to swallow.
-You're mom told you it was impolite to talk with your mouth full.. Ten years later, that's still true.
-No one likes a loud eater. Simple as that.
1. Spelling
-Some words are hard to spell, sure. But the easy ones? Come on! Someone said the other day, "Sorry if i'm boaring you" -- Ohhh ya?? "Boaring me"? Pretty sure a boar is a pig buddy.
2. Vocabulary
-If you don't know what the word means, please don't try to make yourself sound smarter by using it. You usually end up using it in the wrong context, making yourself sound like an idiot.
1. Girls
-Flaunting your cleveage doesnt make you sexy, just trashy.
-Butt cracks/thongs hanging from your jeans only makes people laugh and want to take pictures,then show you.
-Shirts that have sayings like "I love my boyfriend" or "kiss me!" aren't cute, they're childish.
2. Boys
-Sagging your jeans doesn't make you gangster, it makes you waddle.
-Wifebeaters don't show off your muscles. They make you look like you belong in a trailer park.
-Girl jeans belong on girls! No exceptions.
People in general
1.Getting Some
-No one really wants to know the play by play of what happened with you and your "other". It's gross.
-Not knowing the last name of the person you hooked up with. (Thats a new one in my book)How can you possibly not know their last name?!
2. Conceited Individuals
-Spilling your life story to someone you don't know. Well now that's just awkward.
-Fishing for compliments. Everyone will give you the compliment, but they probably won't even mean it but they just want you to shut up.
-Go ahead, talk about how much money/stuff you have. Some girl/guy will end up marrying you for money. Bummer.
-When people think they're always right. Holy hell, we're all wrong at some point, give it a rest!
BASICALLY, there are a plethora of things that get on our/my nerves. I could sit here all day and conjure up more, but I think that at this point I've gotten my point across.
I know pet peeves are annoying, but control you're anger, punch a pillow or something, not the plate on the counter, or you're little brother/sister next to you (Mom wouldn't approve). So laugh them off and realize, you have probably played a part in someone's pet peeve before.