
Entailing: Strong

Girls and boys are different.

More girls wear their heart on their sleeve than boys. Some guys do, but lets be honest- a girl isn't afraid to tell the world when she's in love, and she sure isn't afraid to let it know when she's heartbroken or wronged.

Not every guy hurts a girl, but every girl has been hurt- which means everything.

When she's been lied to- don't tell her to calm down.
When she's been betrayed- don't tell her to let it go
When she's given you everything, and gotten nothing in return- don't tell her she didn't have to do it.
When she's given you more chances than you deserve- don't abuse it
When she talks to her friends about you because you won't listen to her- don't tell her not to talk to them about things.
When you make fun of her in front of your friends- don't tell her to "take a joke"
When she's crying- don't tell her to stop.
When you think you she won't leave you- think twice.

Girls have a tendency to hold on too long, guys have a tendency to let them go.

Just because a girl has put up with a lot, doesn't mean she'll keep doing it.

When a girl wants to tell you she's had enough and is done- she wants you to give her a reason to stay. But she's scared; scared you won't stop her, scared you'll let her walk away. So she stays.

And then that day comes.

The day where she realizes, she doesn't care whether or not you stop her. The day when she finally believes, herself, what everyone else has been telling her, "You deserve better."

And she stands up; a little stronger, a little prouder.

And all you see, is the fading image of her walking away.

Maybe you care, and maybe you don't.

But one things for sure- with her head held high, she never looks back.

Entailing: The Funny Thing About Love

Once someone realizes what they had, the other person is walking away, leaving a note behind saying "You shouldn't have had to realize it, you should've known all along."