
Entailing: It starts with you

As humans, we tend to put our worth and value in what other people say about us.

We rely on the positive things people say to make us feel good, and let the bad things tear us down.

People talk behind our back and criticize our every move without even knowing us, and yet, are still affected by the things we hear, and the things they say.

There are a lot of people who write really rude comments on the things I write, does it make me feel stupid? Sure. Does it discourage me? Definitely. But you know, that's ok.

I just have to remind myself, there is no way that I can write to every body's liking. There is no way that everyone will always like what I have to say, or like me for that matter.

The truth of the matter, we just have to realize that at the end of the day, what we think of ourselves is the most important opinion.

The best and strongest source of positive reinforcement should come from ourselves. Be your own cheerleader.

People say that you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. I think that's 100% true.

If you aren't confident in who you are, when you form friendships and relationships, you will rely completely on the opinion of everyone else, which in reality is unstable and likely to change depending on the own person's opinion of themselves, and their own circumstances- therefore it has no real correlation to us.

If you don't think you're pretty, smart, funny, etc., it won't matter if someone tells you you are, you won't believe it anyway.

Now, there's a fine line between confidence and cockiness.

Confidence: Being happy with you are.
Cockiness: Wanting everyone to know who you are.

Confidence comes with the ability to encourage others to find their own self worth, and giving others positive reinforcement, but cockiness makes others feel inferior.

I hate when people say, "Haters are my motivators", and they supposedly, 'don't care' what people think about them. If people hate you, so what? If you are really confident in yourself, and 'don't care' you would just keep living your life.

Those who care the least, react the least. The who care the most, react the most.

We are all human, and we all get discouraged sometimes, and we all care somewhat what people think about us. But don't let it consume you.

I remember when I was little saying, "I'm rubber, you're glue- what you say bounces off of me, and sticks to you". Who knew kids were so smart. Basically, just shrug off the hurtful things people have to say- and embrace the good things.

We all love getting compliments, but we know how annoying it is when someone can't take one.

Learn how to take a compliment, and give plenty.

If someone who doesn't feel good about themselves pays you a compliment, don't feel a little guilty accepting it? It seems almost in-genuine, and they're just fishing for one back.

A compliment feels so much better coming from a person who isn't expecting one back.

When you learn to love yourself, you learn to love your life, all of it; the good AND the bad. The good things seem even better, and the bad things don't seem so bad anymore.

It's a ripple effect. If you feel good about yourself without relying on others, you can make others feel good about themselves too because you aren't trying to be in the spotlight- and ironically, that'll make you stand out more. Lead by example, because people will notice.

It's easier to love someone who can love themselves. At that point, you don't 'need' anyone, it's just a bonus to have them around.

Be the person others admire, simply because you admire yourself.