In elementary happiness was defined by being first in line or how many desserts were in our brown paper sacks at lunch. In junior high happiness was defined by knowing all the words to the coolest songs on the radio and getting our permits. In high school, happiness was defined by friday night football games and doing the "cool thing".
Taylor Swift said it perfectly, "People are people and sometimes we change our mind". Human nature is to chase after what makes you happy, but sometimes, what makes us happy changes.
Maybe instead of chocolate pudding, you like vanilla. Maybe instead of Lord of the Rings, you like Harry Potter. Maybe instead of him/her, it's someone else. Or maybe instead of chasing, its walking away.
An unexpected source told me earlier this week, "Just do what makes you happy." In my head, I couldn't figure out what that was. For so long I thought I was doing what was making me happy? Obviously, I was wrong.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" Wise words by the famous Dr. Seuss. Although he wrote children's books about green eggs and ham, he sure knew a thing or two about life.
It's easy to lash out when we're sad, angry and upset. Its easy to make mistakes we can't take back. It's hard when we realize in desperation to maintain the happiness, all did was drive it away. It's hard to accept it's time for a change. Realistically, welcome to life.
I've come to realize, we never lose what makes us happy, it just changes.
A common phrase, "Happiness is a choice" is my mantra from here on out, Along with Albert Einstein's “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Sentences well pronounced Al. Sentences well pronounced.
Are we the happiest when everything seems to be going right? Or does everything seem to go right when we are the happiest?
A few things to figure and work on I suppose. A deep breath, a sigh of relief. Cheers to moving forward.
Entailing Tomorrow
Tomorrow is a new day. And I think from here on out, I'll be just fine.
Sometimes all it takes is a few words from an unexpected source to make you realize you're fighting a winless battle.
"Its not starting over, it's just going back to the way it was before and doing things a little bit different"
Sometimes all it takes is a few words from an unexpected source to make you realize you're fighting a winless battle.
"Its not starting over, it's just going back to the way it was before and doing things a little bit different"
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