
Entailing: Dear Sun, It Will.

If there's anything I've learned,

It's that through every hopeless day and hopeless night, there will be prosperity.

Out of all confusion and everything senseless, there will be understanding.

All things forced, are easiest forced out and away; things unforced will stay

After every fault and mistake, there will be redemption.

Despite every faded and jaded relationships, we will love and be loved again.
After every rainfall and every storm, there will be sun

Following every fall, we will have a chance to stand proud, a chance to stand tall.

No matter how dark things might seem, there will be light.

All things wet, will dry.

All suffering is temporary, comfort is attainable, it's there. It will come.

All things broken with time, taken to tend, will mend.

There is a difference between forgiveness, and giving too many chances. Nothing bad will come of forgiveness.

Knowing the difference between what you want and what you deserve will make a difference.

Don't feel lonely when you're alone, you'll look back and think, "I've grown".

To few, standing up for yourself will deem you a bitch, but to many; respect.

You will hurt others, and others will hurt you; what you've done you can't take back; but you'll learn.

Time will fly; days run by, choosing to live will always be better than choosing to die.

Enemies will tear you apart, but stick with the people who had your back from the start.

Easier said than done; on cold, dark, and desperate days, just close your eyes, and remember the warmth and comfort of the sun.