A few days ago a friend confided regarding his/her sexuality and that he/she was attracted to the same sex.
As it turned out the significant other was in the same class as we were. I questioned why they weren't talking I was told
"we are trying not to make it obvious. People are just bitches about it"
Personally, I had no criticism or judgment in the matter, although some are apparently not as understanding. My response: Well I'm happy for you! You found someone who makes you happy which is rare these days. Let other people say/think what they want, do what makes you happy because that's all that really matters.
At times, the world is cruel and judgmental. Every topic imaginable attracts some sort of harsh critique or personal opinion/judgement.
Who are we to make assumptions about those we don't even know?
Each day we walk the town going about our daily routine, crossing paths with those we know, and those we do not.
- What do you really know about the girl in the coffee shop besides the letters on her name tag and the smile that appears to be forced?
- Do you know much about the elderly brisk-walker besides the fact he always walks alone?
- Why is that one professor always so uptight?
- Does that jock actually have it all together like he protrays?
- Why is that girl crying to herself in the bathroom during class?
- He's looks classy head to toe, why does the gentleman and his brief case wait for the bus each morning at promptly 8:05?
We encounter millions of people in our lifetime and sadly, make unfair assumptions without reason.
Don't you think that's unfair?
Our lives are stacked with our own mistakes, our own struggles, our own ways of coping. How is it we expect others to sympathize without doing so ourselves?
All credit themselves to being "more than meets the eye" but are ironically quick to profile/stereotype/assume/critize.
I recently took a field trip to the prison. A 25 year old spoke of his alcohol addiction and homocide of a 15 year old boy.
I'm sure a fair amount of my classmates made a harsh judgement right then and there. He killed a person, a near unforgivable crime.
As for myself, I noticed the long blinks and sighs as the haunting memory replayed in his head. I saw the pain in his eyes.
While a room of high school students sat before the prisoner, it was then i realized; until his breathless day, he will remain a prisoner to himself.
That alone we cannot relate to, therefore, we must cast our judgement aside.
I often catch myself saying htings about people I would not say if i had a few minutes to think about it.
I am quick to stop and remind myself "Do i really have a reason for this/that?" My answer most of the time, No.
We are all acutely aware we don't live perfectly, nor perfectly happy. It would be foolish so assume others do.
My point being, be careful of you wired thoughts and poisonous gossip, it may come back to haunt you. Consider any hardships of those you pass by, whether it is a friend, teacher, co-worker, or even a complete stranger.
For all: There is plenty to be aware of.
For Most: There is room for improvement.
For Some: There is need for a serious character revolution.
Ready. Set. Go
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