Part of our misery comes from the distress of trying understand something we don't understand. Think about it- how often do you think yourself silly over something?
There are some things worth thinking about- worth stressing over; some things aren't.
We have to understand there are things we will never understand.
- Why good/young people die
- Why we love people who don't love us back
- Why life doesn't always turn out how we want it
- Why people commit suicide
- Why sometimes we cry over nothing
- What came before us? What came before that?
- Why bad things happen to good people
- Why do the people who deserve to get caught, never do? And the ones who don't, do?
- Why love disappears sometimes
- How songs, scents, and pictures can bring back so many memories
- How our hearts and minds can want different things
- How quickly our minds change
- How if we did one thing differently, that our lives could be completely different
- Do we all see the same colors
- Do we all think the same way
I know that things have to happen, but I don't necessarily know why.
I don't know why some people go their whole lives without finding someone to love, and why some people marry the first person they date and live 50 years of happily ever after.
I don't know why we were created with poisonous characteristics- jealously, greed, anger, spite, vengeance, etc.
I understand that I will never understand these things.
I don't understand why things can change in a split second that change your life forever- but I know that it happens.
I don't know how terrible things turn into good things- but I know that they can.
I don't understand why some people are the luckiest people in the world, and why some have the worst luck in the world- but they do.
I don't know why we can't realize what we have when we have it, and not when we don't- but we don't.
I don't understand how such terrible things happen to countries and cities; floods, tornadoes, hurricanes.- but they do.
I don't know why killing innocent people in another country earns any sort of respect for one's own country- but it does.
I can tear myself apart thinking about these things, or
I can understand that I will never understand these things
and let them go.
I don't understand how the IRS can rip everything away from a family.
I don't understand how a parent can abuse their child.
I don't understand how anybody can cheat on someone they're married to, or in a relationship with.
I don't understand if someone cares about us, why they hurt us. Even more-so, I don't understand why we stick around when they do.
I don't understand how such a material possession such as money can tear a family/marriage apart.
I don't understand why we always want what we can't have.
I must understand, I will never understand.
You may understand some things, you might understand calculus, you might understand pathogenic biology, or how to make a computer- but there will always be things none of us will ever understand.
Why and when society decided to demand perfection instead of natural? I have no idea.
Why some marry for money? It's baffles me.
Why it's so hard to let someone go? I wish I knew.
Why some people can eat a whale and not gain a pound while another eats a cracker and gains five pounds? It's beyond me.
On I came across this image. Such a simple image- yet, a strong impact. I literally sighed with relief when I saw this.

We simply have to understand, we simply don't understand.
Once you do, it's a breath of fresh air.
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