
Entailing: The Hardest Things

There is nothing perfect and easy about life.

The hardest things:
  • School
    • Studying for a test that you sincerely don't understand a word of
    • Getting along with a teacher you hate
    • Getting through Mondays, and all the other days
    • Being on time- it really is kind of hard.
    • Paying attention for the entire class period
    • Bringing text books- we either lose them, or forget we even have one.
    • The last month of school- impossible
    • Getting through school without your stomach growling
  • Food
    • Roasting the perfect marshmallow
    • Making toast without burning it
    • No over cooking something in the microwave
    • Ever tried cooking more than one thing on the stove? Chaos!
    • Getting the last drop of soda in a can or water in a bottle
    • Not eating when you're bored
    • Eating a giant sandwich without it falling apart
    • Melting ALL the cheese on nachos, without burning some of it.
  • Sleeping
    • I applaud anyone who doesn't snooze their alarm
    • Getting enough sleep to where you actually feel rested
    • Remembering your dreams
    • Getting out of bed when it's cold
    • Getting comfortable when it's hot
    • Going to sleep earlier than midnight
    • Waking up in the middle of the night, and not being able to fall back asleep
    • Trying to fall asleep when you've got a million things on your mind.
  • Relationships
    • Loving someone who doesn't love you back
    • Trying not to be jealous
    • When you're not ok, and they're perfectly fine
    • Saying something you immediately regret
    • Looking back, and wishing you would have done things different
    • Healing a broken heart
    • Maintaining your own lives in addition to being a part of each others
    • When you can't say how you really feel because it will start a fight
  • Driving
    • Driving the speed limit when  you're late
    • Letting the car that cut you off into your lane
    • Not flipping that person off
    • Getting the perfect distance away from the curb
    • Not screaming when that jerk just snaked your parking spot
    • Using your blinkers when you're tired- it seems so much harder that way.
    • Keeping your car clean for more than a day
    • Driving perfectly when a cop is driving behind you
  • Cleaning
    • Folding clean clothes and putting them away right away
    • Keeping your room perfectly clean for 24 hours- I dare you.
    • Trying to get out of chores
    • Not shoving everything under your bed
    • Vacuuming- it happens once in a blue moon.
    • A place for everything? Ya right.
    • Trying to understand why your mom wants everything cleaned when it's not dirty?
    • Cleaning something  you didn't make a mess of with a good attitude
  • Fashion
    • Having a wardrobe full of clothes, and still feeling like you have nothing to wear
    • Getting ready when you're sick, tired, or sad
    • Getting ready, and not seeing the person you want to see you
    • Not getting ready, and seeing that same person.
    • Ironing- I swear I just iron in more wrinkles..
    • Feeling like you look good when you feel like a fat ass
    • Trying to fit into a pair of jeans that's too small
    • Wearing something again once you know someone else has it
  • Sticky Hands
    • Painting your nails without getting nail polish on your fingers
    • Gluing something without getting it all over your hands
    • Try to spray paint without getting it on your hands- really
    • Peeling an orange without getting sh*t all over your fingers 
    • Eating fruit without getting sticky fingers
    • Not getting that gross muggy feeling on your hands from lotion
    • Keeping your hands clean while carving a pumpkin
    • Cheeto fingers and ice cream sandwich fingers- enough said
  • Pets
    • Not getting hair- everywhere
    • Picking up the gnarliest smelling poops
    • Remembering to feed them when  your mom asked you to- 7 hours ago
    • Breathing when they fart
    • Staying mad at them when they look at you with "those eyes"
    • Not laughing when your dog humps your friends
    • Trying not to find humor in blowing in their faces, stretching their eyes into Asian eyes, and dressing them up
    • Forgetting them once they pass away
It's never perfect, and it's never easy.

But that's life.

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