
Entailing: Dear Sun, It Will.

If there's anything I've learned,

It's that through every hopeless day and hopeless night, there will be prosperity.

Out of all confusion and everything senseless, there will be understanding.

All things forced, are easiest forced out and away; things unforced will stay

After every fault and mistake, there will be redemption.

Despite every faded and jaded relationships, we will love and be loved again.
After every rainfall and every storm, there will be sun

Following every fall, we will have a chance to stand proud, a chance to stand tall.

No matter how dark things might seem, there will be light.

All things wet, will dry.

All suffering is temporary, comfort is attainable, it's there. It will come.

All things broken with time, taken to tend, will mend.

There is a difference between forgiveness, and giving too many chances. Nothing bad will come of forgiveness.

Knowing the difference between what you want and what you deserve will make a difference.

Don't feel lonely when you're alone, you'll look back and think, "I've grown".

To few, standing up for yourself will deem you a bitch, but to many; respect.

You will hurt others, and others will hurt you; what you've done you can't take back; but you'll learn.

Time will fly; days run by, choosing to live will always be better than choosing to die.

Enemies will tear you apart, but stick with the people who had your back from the start.

Easier said than done; on cold, dark, and desperate days, just close your eyes, and remember the warmth and comfort of the sun.


Entailing: Rainfall

Through glass
eyes meet surface.
All friction, all tension
ground and rain embrace.

Tired feet
and tired soul.
Head up
stand tall.

Look up and stare
at the rain as it falls.

Scream to the Heavens
Shout to the Gods.

Learn from the rain.
No tension, No friction
My Love,
No chase; embrace.


3:58 AM

White. Black. Grey.
No rhyme
No reason
Why stay.

Realize, real lies, all dies.
No love
No trust

Above. Upon. Below.
Stand tall.
Take note.

Sit. Stand. Run
No more.
No less.

Life spent waiting to feel alive
eyes on the clock, it's 3:55.

Break my bones with stones and sticks
eyes on the clock, it's 3:56.

Sitting here, imagining heaven
eyes on the clock, it's 3:57.

Thoughts on railroad tracks, they try to escape.

Before you know it
it'll be 3:58.


Entailing: Re: Stacks

Sometimes the only thing getting us through life, is knowing that we don't have to be here forever.

I'm imperfect, but I'm doing my absolute best.
I stand up for what I believe in, because not enough people do.
I'd rather deal with the truth, than be fooled with lies.
And I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for what I'm not.

That's all.


Entailing: Grow Up America

First off, I'm not excluding myself from this criticisms. I am equally responsible for many of the things I'm about to say. I, like every other U.S. citizen, don't realize the greediness of my everyday actions, and the selfishness of my expectations and frustrations living in America.

In a world with trillions of people, there is no such thing as equality. Are there equal opportunities? No. Does the child born into poverty in India have the same opportunity as the child born into a multi-million dollar wealthy family in America?

That same American child may live it's life, maxing out multiple credit cards, crashing three new cars, and not earning a dime of their own money- attending college completely on their parent's dime.

Now tell me, does that same child in India, who is forced into labor at age 6 to help feed his/her family, have the same opportunity to attend college on their parent's dime?  That is, if they weren't dropped at the orphanage door when it was three days old. Or any schooling for that matter?

Yet knowing this, we throw away our education; take it as a joke. Ditch and fail classes, just because we can. Grow up America.

As Americans, we dine out multiple times a week, because we're too tired to prepare the things we have sitting in our cupboards and refrigerators, or simply because it doesn't sound appealing or tasteful. In Africa, if a mother is too tired to cook, her family starves. In third world countries, picky is not in their vocabulary- or they'll go to bed hungrier than they normally would.

We sadistically tell each other, "There are starving kids in Africa" when wasting, and with cruel humor respond, "Well then send it to them!" or shrug our shoulders just because it doesn't affect us. We continue to pick and choose, throw away, and eat until we're full, knowing there are people around the world willing to eat your garbage. Grow up America.

I don't agree with everything the American Government approves, who they appoint, or the things they stand for- in fact, I don't agree with most things. But at least I have the right to disagree. In North Korea, they bow down to their leader- and out of fear, worship him.

We get upset because we don't agree with every last thing the Government decides, yet we forget there aren't soldiers patrolling our streets, waiting for an excuse to use their guns against us. Grow up America.

In contrast, we are a country of contradictory wealth and unnecessary debt. We portray ourselves as a Christian nation, yet patrol the Mexican boarder, and deport and raid the homes of those illegally working in our country, doing the jobs non of us greedy, lazy, Americans will do.

We complain that the Government needs to create more jobs- but fail to open our eyes to the jobs available to us, because of how many hard working people we force out of our country. We demand more jobs, but refuse to pick up a rake, a spatula, or a mop. Grow up America.

We are willing to take the time to sit on Facebook, complaining about the lack of snow, but won't take the extra time to separate your trash from the recycling, or wake up a little earlier to take the bus, to prevent you're over polluting car from warming our planet- thus preventing your snow.

We complain about it being too hot, yet when it rains, the complaining doesn't cease. We forget there are people in third world countries, praying for rain to provide for their wells and crops just to survive. Knowing so, we still continue to leave our faucets running longer than we need to, run our dishwashers and washing machines when they aren't full, and wash our cars once a week because we're scared of a little dirt. Grow up America.

We rebel school dress codes because we think we should be able to wear whatever we want, and show our 'personalities' through our clothing choices, because the fact that we don't need to cover our faces like the woman in middle eastern countries isn't good enough.

We assume being free is the ability to do whatever we want, and not the privilege of not risking
abuse and possible death for not following the standards and commands like some other countries. Grow up America.

Our military prevents recognized gays and lesbians to serve in our military. Despite his service to our country our US Military fired Lt. Dan Choi not for disobeying orders, or leaving a man behind, but because of his sexual orientation. We won't let gays and lesbians kill for our country, but rather allow them to kill themselves because we won't put a stop to the harassment or pass a bill.

We deny the rights of same sex marriage, but allow a number of celebrities and unstable couples destroy the institution of marriage. We don't question a man and a woman marrying, no matter their age, motives, ability to raise children, or love for each other- despite the 50% divorce rate. while still, denying same-sex couple the right to marry. We are furious that the Government is trying to set limitations on having a 'free internet', but not so worried about the limitations on same-sex marriage. Grow up America.

We spend money going to concerts, movies, amusement parks, luxurious vacations, expensive restaurants, and still wonder at the end of the day, why aren't we happy? How is it possible that all this money couldn't buy us happiness? As a country based on wealth and dollar sign success, we correlate money with happiness, when we could head the homeless shelter and give out blankets, food, or even engage in fruitful conversation. Grow up.

We have an on going accumulation of debt over wars with other countries, when we should put down our guns, grenades, shut down our tanks, and start facing the war within our own country. How can we expect to fix another country when we can't even fix ourselves? Bring home the soldiers, bring home the fighter pilots, bring home the mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters, and solve our own problems, and stop bothering those who didn't ask us to intervene. Grow up America.

Once we can put down our guns in the middle east, we'll have two free hands- one can pick up a hammer and build an orphanage in Russia, the other a shovel and dig a well in Ethiopia.

The Government can try and control what we read on the internet, in text books, newspapers, and magazines, but they can never control the way we think. America is infamous for doing a lot of talking, and no 'walking' per-say.

We may be fighting our own battles, but open your eyes, and realize that no matter what, somewhere else has it worse.

So grow up, stop complaining, and do something about it.


Entailing: "That's Life."

 Saw an old man sitting alone at taco bell last night, he approached us and made conversation. He said he just lost his wife of 58 years, 5 minutes before he came there- she'd never been sick a day in her life, and leukemia took her in three days. He smiled at us and said, "That's life." Losing people is part of life, but loving them is a choice; so don't wait til' their gone to wish you would have loved them more, and treated them right.


Entailing: Worry Less, Live More.

The last year of my life has been such a growing year. Considering who I am today, I can't believe I ever was who I was back then, but I'm so thankful for it.

I used to over-think, over-prepare, and over-analyze, and truth be told- I was miserable.

Now, I over-eat, over-sleep, and am completely over-joyed.

I guess you could say I'm living my life over-easy; you know, not doing much, just letting it run wherever it wants.

What have I learned exactly?
  • The more you think, the more problematic things become
    • The mind plays nasty tricks on us, try to catch yourself before launching yourself into an endless labyrinth of thoughts.
  •  Don't give out too much information
    • Talking about how you feel and what you think is good sometimes, but not all the time, about everything, especially if you don't really think about what you're saying first. Sometimes it's better to just write it down, or keep it in, rather than risk saying something and starting an argument. Think about what you're about to say and think, "Is it worth it?"
  • Be somebody you'd want to be friends with
    • It's hard to find (and keep) friends if you're not very good at being one. Pay attention to your gossip levels, would you want to be friends with someone who can't keep their mouth shut?
  • There really are things you can, and cannot control
    • When you're faced with an issue ask yourself, "Can I control this?" If so, don't worry you can handle it! If not, don't worry, there's nothing you can do anyway, don't waste your emotions over it. 
  • Learn to say, "Yes"
    • Share. There's just something about doing so that makes you feel better about yourself. Say yes to your mistakes. Learning to own up and admit to your mistakes feels so much better than wasting your time searching for an excuse, lie, or blame.
  • Learn to say, "No."
    • You may not care if other people respect you, but other people care if you respect yourself. Learn to say no to that random guy, learn to say no to that extra drink. Even learn how to say no to going out, give yourself a night in- catch up with yourself.
  • Forgive people, even when they least deserve it.
    • Grudges hurt nobody but yourself. When you learn to let things go, and let the past, be the past, burdens are lifted and you can breathe again. 
  • Learn to laugh at yourself
    • If people don't think you're funny, someone has to.
  • Take embarrassing and embarrassed out of your vocabulary.
    • It's accepting that you're human, and yes- you occasionally,  take ugly pictures, fart on accident, say the wrong thing at the wrong time, pick your nose, pick your wedgies, have zits, have love handles, don't understand something even everyone else does, and it's all perfectly fine.
  • Shrug your shoulders
    • Pick and choose your battles with people, there's nothing worse than making something out of nothing. When you hear rumors about yourself, don't let it bother you- they don't know you anyway. But if they're true, accept that it's virtually impossible to do anything without people finding out, so own up to it.
  • You'll talk
    • One fight doesn't mean you're never going to see/talk to them again. It's better to take some time to cool down and get your head back on straight. Be rational.
  • Be proud of yourself, in a humble way.
    • Life can be hard, so when you succeed in something, be proud about it! Just don't brag about it. People stop listening/caring when they could retell the same story themselves from listening to you tell it so many times.
  • It's ok to be sad, it's ok to feel something, but don't let it last.
    • Don't try to ignore your feelings when they come, but don't torture yourself. Shed a couple tears, suck it up, and get back out there. The longer you let things sit and dwell, the quicker they spoil.
I could go on for days on the things I've learned in the last year. People find bliss in many different ways. Go with the way that works for you, because that's all that really matters. There's nothing worse than not living the life you wish you could.


Entailing: It starts with you

As humans, we tend to put our worth and value in what other people say about us.

We rely on the positive things people say to make us feel good, and let the bad things tear us down.

People talk behind our back and criticize our every move without even knowing us, and yet, are still affected by the things we hear, and the things they say.

There are a lot of people who write really rude comments on the things I write, does it make me feel stupid? Sure. Does it discourage me? Definitely. But you know, that's ok.

I just have to remind myself, there is no way that I can write to every body's liking. There is no way that everyone will always like what I have to say, or like me for that matter.

The truth of the matter, we just have to realize that at the end of the day, what we think of ourselves is the most important opinion.

The best and strongest source of positive reinforcement should come from ourselves. Be your own cheerleader.

People say that you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. I think that's 100% true.

If you aren't confident in who you are, when you form friendships and relationships, you will rely completely on the opinion of everyone else, which in reality is unstable and likely to change depending on the own person's opinion of themselves, and their own circumstances- therefore it has no real correlation to us.

If you don't think you're pretty, smart, funny, etc., it won't matter if someone tells you you are, you won't believe it anyway.

Now, there's a fine line between confidence and cockiness.

Confidence: Being happy with you are.
Cockiness: Wanting everyone to know who you are.

Confidence comes with the ability to encourage others to find their own self worth, and giving others positive reinforcement, but cockiness makes others feel inferior.

I hate when people say, "Haters are my motivators", and they supposedly, 'don't care' what people think about them. If people hate you, so what? If you are really confident in yourself, and 'don't care' you would just keep living your life.

Those who care the least, react the least. The who care the most, react the most.

We are all human, and we all get discouraged sometimes, and we all care somewhat what people think about us. But don't let it consume you.

I remember when I was little saying, "I'm rubber, you're glue- what you say bounces off of me, and sticks to you". Who knew kids were so smart. Basically, just shrug off the hurtful things people have to say- and embrace the good things.

We all love getting compliments, but we know how annoying it is when someone can't take one.

Learn how to take a compliment, and give plenty.

If someone who doesn't feel good about themselves pays you a compliment, don't feel a little guilty accepting it? It seems almost in-genuine, and they're just fishing for one back.

A compliment feels so much better coming from a person who isn't expecting one back.

When you learn to love yourself, you learn to love your life, all of it; the good AND the bad. The good things seem even better, and the bad things don't seem so bad anymore.

It's a ripple effect. If you feel good about yourself without relying on others, you can make others feel good about themselves too because you aren't trying to be in the spotlight- and ironically, that'll make you stand out more. Lead by example, because people will notice.

It's easier to love someone who can love themselves. At that point, you don't 'need' anyone, it's just a bonus to have them around.

Be the person others admire, simply because you admire yourself.