
Entailing: Worry Less, Live More.

The last year of my life has been such a growing year. Considering who I am today, I can't believe I ever was who I was back then, but I'm so thankful for it.

I used to over-think, over-prepare, and over-analyze, and truth be told- I was miserable.

Now, I over-eat, over-sleep, and am completely over-joyed.

I guess you could say I'm living my life over-easy; you know, not doing much, just letting it run wherever it wants.

What have I learned exactly?
  • The more you think, the more problematic things become
    • The mind plays nasty tricks on us, try to catch yourself before launching yourself into an endless labyrinth of thoughts.
  •  Don't give out too much information
    • Talking about how you feel and what you think is good sometimes, but not all the time, about everything, especially if you don't really think about what you're saying first. Sometimes it's better to just write it down, or keep it in, rather than risk saying something and starting an argument. Think about what you're about to say and think, "Is it worth it?"
  • Be somebody you'd want to be friends with
    • It's hard to find (and keep) friends if you're not very good at being one. Pay attention to your gossip levels, would you want to be friends with someone who can't keep their mouth shut?
  • There really are things you can, and cannot control
    • When you're faced with an issue ask yourself, "Can I control this?" If so, don't worry you can handle it! If not, don't worry, there's nothing you can do anyway, don't waste your emotions over it. 
  • Learn to say, "Yes"
    • Share. There's just something about doing so that makes you feel better about yourself. Say yes to your mistakes. Learning to own up and admit to your mistakes feels so much better than wasting your time searching for an excuse, lie, or blame.
  • Learn to say, "No."
    • You may not care if other people respect you, but other people care if you respect yourself. Learn to say no to that random guy, learn to say no to that extra drink. Even learn how to say no to going out, give yourself a night in- catch up with yourself.
  • Forgive people, even when they least deserve it.
    • Grudges hurt nobody but yourself. When you learn to let things go, and let the past, be the past, burdens are lifted and you can breathe again. 
  • Learn to laugh at yourself
    • If people don't think you're funny, someone has to.
  • Take embarrassing and embarrassed out of your vocabulary.
    • It's accepting that you're human, and yes- you occasionally,  take ugly pictures, fart on accident, say the wrong thing at the wrong time, pick your nose, pick your wedgies, have zits, have love handles, don't understand something even everyone else does, and it's all perfectly fine.
  • Shrug your shoulders
    • Pick and choose your battles with people, there's nothing worse than making something out of nothing. When you hear rumors about yourself, don't let it bother you- they don't know you anyway. But if they're true, accept that it's virtually impossible to do anything without people finding out, so own up to it.
  • You'll talk
    • One fight doesn't mean you're never going to see/talk to them again. It's better to take some time to cool down and get your head back on straight. Be rational.
  • Be proud of yourself, in a humble way.
    • Life can be hard, so when you succeed in something, be proud about it! Just don't brag about it. People stop listening/caring when they could retell the same story themselves from listening to you tell it so many times.
  • It's ok to be sad, it's ok to feel something, but don't let it last.
    • Don't try to ignore your feelings when they come, but don't torture yourself. Shed a couple tears, suck it up, and get back out there. The longer you let things sit and dwell, the quicker they spoil.
I could go on for days on the things I've learned in the last year. People find bliss in many different ways. Go with the way that works for you, because that's all that really matters. There's nothing worse than not living the life you wish you could.

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