
Entailing Control

Control: n. 1. power to direct or regulate.

This is the time where I discuss a concept many fail to come to terms with, myself convicted for the crime at times.

There comes a point, multiple times, in one's life where they no longer have control in a given situation. Being made the way we are, we find extreme discomfort when we cannot dictate every happening in our lives.

How can we possibly think we can control every situation?? Well, reality check, we can't!

Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do in the situation. When that happens, the easiest thing to do is separate yourself from whatever it may be, that is if it's giving you grief.

By changing up the situation, you can better it for yourself by controlling what you actually can control.

For instance:
1. Ice cream makes you sick lets say, simply eat brownies instead. It's not your fault ice cream makes you sick, but by eating brownies, you feel fine and most likely still extremely satisfied.
2. You're trying to squeeze in the turn lane but one car just can't sacrifice one car space. Out of your control, sure. You control the gas pedal right? Speed on up, scope out that gap and get on in there. Not only are you ahead of the car that wouldn't let you in, you'll probably make the light!
3. Douche bags in high school? Wow, that's a surprise. It's not your fault they deem it necessary to insult, ignore or possibly hate you. That's their problem. Strut you're stuff, make them realize you're not who they thought you were.

Have I made my point?

Long story short, if there is something or someone that is currently throwing lemons at you, pick them up and make the gosh dang lemonade.

We are responsible for the quality of our own lives. Quality being defined on a personal level; If you are happy with your life, who cares what everyone else thinks?

Jurassic 5 has a song called Quality Control, my favorite line being:
"My mental maneuver will clear and steer right through ya... I plant my dreams in the field and wait to harvest my skills"

Keep your head up and do what you do best.

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