
Entailing: Curve Balls & Poker Cards

I used to rely on the phrase, "As long as we're happy, that's all that matters."

But I've selfishly been living as, "As long as I'm happy, that's all that matters."

and let me tell ya, karma is a bitch.

When you want something so bad, you'll do almost anything to get it. But when you try to force things, how real is that?
A wise owl, that I also call my mom, told me that you can't change any one's heart, and no matter what that's what they end up following. You either have to stomach the blows, or turn your back on it.

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in what we want, and what people will think, that we forget to look at things on a more cellular level.

Sometimes we let our emotions get the best of us, and sometimes, we have to pretend they don't exist.

The truth is, life and love are complicated- and no one fully understands it.

Life throws us all sorts of curve balls, and deals us all sorts of cards.

But just because a curve ball is hard to hit, doesn't mean you don't swing. And just because we might end up folding, doesn't mean we won't bet.

Rarely is everybody on the same page, some people read quicker, some read slower. And that's how life is. Some people learn and grow up quicker, and for some, it just takes a little more time. But eventually, we all finish the book.

It's hard to make a decision when we're worried we might regret it.

Be understanding, even when you don't understand.

Everything is better as 100%. Give what you do everything you have, give someone everything you are; & pray they do the same.

It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all- even if it doesn't feel like it.

Let change happen, even if you're scared.

It's better to trust everyone than no one.

Don't build walls. The higher you build your walls, the farther you fall.

Don't focus on what you can't have, what you don't have, and what you can't do- but what you can have, do have, and can do.

My mom told me, for every one thing you aren't happy about, think of 10 things you are- Even its 10 breaths, because at least you're living.

Don't worry about trying to be someone, or something. Pursuing something gives your life meaning, but don't think you're life doesn't mean anything if you're not pursuing something.

Life is one big poker game; One round you might lose all your money, one round you might get the worst cards, and one round you might win.

But the beauty of it, each round is somewhat of a new start. Each day is a new round in this endless game; a chance to go about things a little bit differently, hoping the result turns out better than the last.

Just pick up the cards and play, because that's all we can really do.


  1. EB, j'adore your blog. You're wise beyond your year, always have been. I love you sugar. xoxo
