
Entailing 2010

Confetti flies and pots hit pans as December 31 becomes January 1.

New Years is a (if not the most) motivational holiday. Why? Because it's free.

In a matter of 24 hours you can change yourself, so to speak. We set goals to become who we want to be or limitations to get rid of who don't want to be.

New Years is an opportunity to rid the wrongs you've done, the regrets you posses, the memories you'd like to forget. Because the clock turns 12 a.m., we can wipe our slates clean and start something new.

Realistically, a new number on the calendar doesn't erase anything. The things we most want to forget are the things that are virtually impossible to do so.

But we can try. Without some sort of motivation, more than half of us wouldn't try again, so why not throw in a holiday to raise the bar?

New Years isn't necessarily a challenge to look forward, but an opportunity to look back.

Last 12/31, who were you? And this year, same question. The answer to both questions is most likely different.

What/who was your..
Political perspective?
Pick for superbowl champion?
Drink of choice?
Religious Belief
Best friend
Significant other
Role model
Living situation

Chances are more than one of these has changed, therefore, you have changed.

In the last year, who has kicked you to the ground? And who has picked you up?

Thank the people who made you who you are today. Not just the ones who helped you do good; you are never picked up if haven't fallen.

The past 365 days have not gone without fault nor without happiness. Appreciate what you earned and what you were given, be humble in what you gave.

New Years resolutions do not have a 90 day limit; If you haven't succeeded right away, try again.
- If you had that piece of cake on day 3 of your new diet, start over.
- If you went shopping the day after you got your paycheck, start saving and do better.
- Can't make amends with your ex, its ok, sleep on it, tomorrow is a new day.

News Years resolutions are not perishable, they do not have an expiration date.

Although, don't just wait for the new "year" to make a change. Every day is a new "day". The clock changes from 11:59 to 12:00 every night, the bite sized New Years, don't underestimate the power and opportunity of a new day.

In order to achieve any goal, you must
First: Believe in yourself. Edison would have never created the light bulb if he didn't believe it could be done.
Second: Be realistic. It's obvious you can't literally, "reach for the stars", its more like.. reach for the top cabinet. Set goals for yourself you can actually achieve.
Third: Forgive yourself. This is a prerequisite. We all make mistakes but if you cannot forgive yourself, you will be stuck in a rut you can't get out of. If you're stuck you simply cannot move forward.
Fourth: Positive influences. Surround yourself with people who support and help you achieve your goals. If you're trying to lose weight, it's probably unwise to be friends with a cake decorator. Understand?
Fifth: Embrace failure. Goals are clearly things you are not comfortable with or have not done before. Nothing is right the first time around, but that doesn't mean they're not meant to be or achievable.

As you end the year, give it a high five and a pat on the back on the way out. Say your thank yous and your goodbye's.

Take a deep breath and welcome the new year. Introduce yourself, and begin a flourishing relationship.

So raise your glass and make a toast, hello 2011.


Entailing Fight

It's like a light switch. Something inside you ignites.

You can go on the field/court and shoot the ball and go one-on-one against your opponent. But you have to want to be there, you have to want the game.

If you don't have passion you have nothing.

Every coach and athlete knows you have to have passion to win.

But every human fails to realize you have to have passion to live; to do anything.

Everyone has goals, and going through the motions has never and will never get you where you want to be. Make the necessary sacrifices, go the necessary distance; go beyond the requirements.

If nothing in your life drives you, your life is probably boring. The most joyful moments are when we finally, metaphorically, flip off the challenges that have been laughing in our faces.

The easiest fuel to feed off of, "You can't do it"... Says who?

Everyday society challenges us to backdown and surrender, waving a white flag.

Stand up, look em' in the eye, and begin shooting; ammo of your choice.

Beat the other team, beat the record, beat cancer, beat the odds. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself.

Fight in the ring, fight for that girl, fight for your life. Whatever you do, don't stop fighting.

A life without passion is like bread without butter (or whatever topping you prefer). It can keep you alive, but its worthless and boring until you add something to it; once you experience that new sensation, it's hard to ever go back to plain bread again.

Prioritize and reflect. Are the things you're fighting for, really worth fighting for?

What things, if stopped fighting for, could you/could you not afford to lose?

The fight itself..

If what you were fighting for was easy, it wouldnt be fought over, it would be equally distributed among individuals.

Obstacles aren't signs from God to give up, it's a challenge to keep going.

Sacrifice sleep for it. Sweat for it. Consume your mind with it. Get after it. Don't stop until you get it; once you do, hold on it and never let it go.

Just as baking bread requires yeast, achieving anything in life requires passion. Without either of them, the turn out will never be as you want it.

Find one thing, or many for that matter, and devote your being to it. Achievements satisfy far more than failures hinder. Failures are just a special ingredient. They make it so much better when you finally succeed.

Ready. Set. Go.


Prince Charming, is he real?

Every little girl grows up hoping that prince charming will sweep her off her feet and fall head over heals in love.

That same little girl ends up disappointed every time a boy breaks her heart.

Every girl rolls her eyes at her dad and older brother when they hassle & tell her not to date the boys she brings over.

That same girl ends up wishing she would have listened.

Every dad tells her daughter he will cry when he walks down the isle on her wedding day.

His daughter never believes it til' he actually does.

Every teenage girl grows up, dates a million and one boys, thinking everyone is the boy she's destined to be with. Without fail, he ends up being a scum bag, cheater, or gay

Naturally, she moves on, or declares she's going lesbian.

But then, there's that one. The one who changes everything.

She begins to doodle all over her homework, "Mrs. (insert name)" accompanied by hearts and swirls.

Everything she is is compromised:
- Friends
- Schoolwork
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Hobbies
- etc.etc.etc.

The sad thing is, he never does the same, but it doesn't matter because she loves him.

As long as I've written, I've avoided the topic of love because I feel it's an entirely broad, cliche, and untouchable subject. But, here it goes..

When a girl is in love:
- Being ditched by her friends isn't so bad anymore
- The world could be on fire & she'd be fine, but if she got in a fight with him, she'd cry
- A minimum of 85% of what she thinks about involves him.
- She would genuinely give up everything she has for him.
- She'll take the blame, just because
- She wants other guys to ask if she has a boyfriend, just so she can say yes
- She'll get mad at him, but it lasts a max. of 10 seconds
- Talking to him never gets old
- He can hurt/take advantage of her, but she'll pretend it's ok and not happening

Sadly the list could go on.

A common phrase, "You complete me", How true that phrase is..

Yes.. Because you won't do the dishes I will. Yes.. Because you won't make the bed I will.

Make sense?

But in reality, love makes us do stupid (or not stupid depending on how you look at it) things; Some people are just more comfortable with it than others. Some people are more willing to make sacrfices.

Every relationship requires some sort of sacrifice, whether it be from sacrificing the pillow at night to taking/making a phone call that interupts a guys/girls night out.

The thing about (most) girls: They will make all the sacrifices to keep the relationship.

Deep down she wants him to buy her flowers, call her when he's with his friends, watch gossip girl with her, and do all the cheesy things we see in chick flicks. But when it comes down to it, to her, nothing matters but his love, and thats enough for her.

Every girl, or victim for that matter, knows the difference between what she really wants to say and start a fight, and what will keep the relationship peaceful and ideal.

No guy wants a clingy girlfriend, so she'll pretend she doesn't miss him. She'll pretend she doesn't care that slutty girls are coming on to him. When he forgets to call she'll tell him it's fine, and pretend she hadn't been frantically thinking about what she did done wrong.

No guy wants to be whipped and get shit from his friends, so she won't call him when he's with his friends even though she has something to tell him. She'll tell him he doesn't have to visit her when she's sick or come to her game. She'll tell him a guys night sounds great, and forget about the plans she spent all day thinking about.

Even though half the time a girl spends the time pretending she doesn't care, or having secret heart attacks over something, she genuinely wants the best for her boy. She is genuinely happy for him when he is happy. She is genuinely willing to let things go for the sake of a realtionship.

Reality check for the boys? Possibly.
Confessions of a girl? Most likely.

Every little girl grows up searching for prince charming, but every woman grows old trying to preserve him.


What are you eating?

"For the sake of a little flesh we deprive them of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which they are entitled by birth and being" - Plutarch

How many times a week do you run through the Mcdonalds or Wendy's drive through to grab a quick hamburger on your way to work or school?

The average American eats three hamburgers and three-four orders of fries each week (Schlosser). Roughly $10-15 a week turns into $120-150 dollars a year. Times that average by 30 years and it comes out to about $4,500. Times is by 50 years and it's $7,500.

What could you do with $4,500? Take a family trip to Hawaii maybe? What about $7,500? Maybe purchasing a car, well probably a used on, but a car nonetheless.

What exactly are we paying for? Not just a slice of beef between two buns.

One hamburger isn't just one cow, it's Betsy and her entire family tree.

In slaughter houses 22 million animals are slaughtered daily (Goldstein 46) to fuel the traditional American diet of which are given growth hormones and contaminated feed; Remains of horses, pigs and poultry (Schlosser).

You try telling Bobby the chicken he played with earlier is the same one Betsy just ate, who will later end up on his plate. That'll keep him smiling.

American Beef Associations constantly reassure it's buyers hormone injection is safe and it won't end up in our food. Well if that's the case, why have other countries banned to use of hormone growth injections? What's not being told?

A trip to the doctor leaves you with direction to eat more fruits and vegetables. And no, the strip of lettuce on your cheeseburger does not count. The doctor informs you of your high cholesterol and increased blood pressure. Eating a bowl of Cheerios's won't do the job.

Vegetarians are statistically proven to have lower cholesterol and blood pressure and far less likely to be obese (Goldstein 46). Not only health benefits, but vegetarians live about seven years longer than meat eaters and vegans live about 15 years longer.

No, not only you hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken contain animal products. Jell-o's, some yogurts and ice creams contain gelatin; The hides and bones from pigs and cows (Goldstein 90). Even your french fries are cooked in "animals products" for flavoring. McDonalds used to fry their fries in beef tallow, giving them "more saturated fat per ounce than its burgers" (Schlosser).

In Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation he discovers some secrets in fast food. Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich actually contains beef extract and the Burger King broiler chicken breast patty that claims to have a 'natural smokey flavor' isn't what it seems:
"Red Arrow Products Company manufactures natural smoke flavor by charring sawdust and capturing the aroma chemicals released into the air. Then the firm turns this smoke into liquid with a solvent" (Schlosser: 128)

So when they say smokey, they mean it!

Bill Haw, CEO of one of the largest cattle feedlot operations in the country explain that a slaughterhouse is
"..not now, nor never will be, a very pretty thing. Animals come there to die, to be eviscerated, to be decapitated, to be de-hided -- and all of those are violent, bloody and difficult things to watch. So your first and foremost impression of at least the initial stages of the packing house are a very violent, very dehumanizing sort of thing"

One word particularly sticks out in that paragraph; Dehumanizing.

Websters Dictionary defines dehumanizing as: to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit .

Slaughter house animals are packed fiercely into the building where they can in-fact hear, smell and see the slaughtering of other animals. Apart from these are typically the young calves and veals that are dragged there because of weakness, for the animals are unfed for a minimum of 24 hours prior to slaughter who show up foaming at the mouth(Schlosser).

Reflecting on some the greatly looked up to men and women of history, not all of them were meat consumers. To those who look down upon and criticize meatless eaters, what would you say to these people?

Albert Einstein - Vegetarian, Scientist
Aristotle - Vegetarian, Greek Philosopher
Ed Templeton - Vegan, Professional Skateboarder
Ghandi - Vegetarian, Hindi spiritual leader
George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney - Vegetarians, Singer/Songwriters of The Beatles
Jason Mraz - Vegan, Musician/Singer
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Vegetarian, Philosopher
Leonardo da Vinci - Vegetarian, Painter/Inventor
Luke Cummo - Vegan, UFC Fighter
Michael Franti - Vegan, Singer of Spearhead
Mr. Rogers - Vegetarian, TV entertainer
Plato - Vegetarian, Greek Philosopher
Plutarch - Vegetarian, Greek Philosopher
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Vegetarian, Writer & Poet
Rosa Parks - Vegetarian, Civil Rights Activist
Sir Isaac Newton - Vegetarian, Physicist
Socrates - Vegetarian, Greek Philosopher
Tom Delonge - Vegetarian, band member of Blink-182
Weird Al Yankovic - Vegan, Comedian & musician

I am no preacher, nor an activist. I simply challenge you to consider, what are you eating? Or rather, who?

When you pull up to the drive through, what corporation are you fueling by handing over your credit card or ten dollar bill?

Do you believe in the pursuit of life in every one of God's creations or the superiority of one, unnecessarily killing off the rest?


Happy Cow Compassionate Eating Guide.

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Complany, 2001.

Goldstein, Mark A.. Controversies in Food and Nutrition. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2002.


True Experience

I was asked by a friend to write about life as a new college student and many times to write something new by avid readers.

I cannot express how many times I sat myself down, failing.

I felt all who were reading this wanted to hear the same thing; Life is great, these are going to be the best years yet, a wonderful experience.

Finally, I realized my diffuculty writing was not due to writers block, but simply because I wasn't telling the truth.

Our whole lives are built around these ideas of what high school and college will be like. We paint a picture in our minds of exactly what it will be like.

For 18 years we plan to ditch the town we grew up in and head out on our own to make a name for ourselves, because that's the mature and adventurous thing to do right?


I would be lying if I was to say I haven't learned anything.

I have learned just because we are out of high school, doesn't mean the high school is out of us.

Drama fueled bitches simply won't stop being drama fueled bitches when they recieve a high school diploma, or a college degree for that matter.

We are influenced heavily by those around us, more or less a domino effect, whether or not we are aware it's happening.

If you are talking behind somebody's back it's nearly guarenteed someone is talking about you behind yours.

No body is immune to karma.

When you are surrounded by negative influences, you are challenged wholly to stand up for what you believe in. Whether or not that means speaking up or merely remaining silent and walking away.

It's common to hear, "The friends you meet in college will be the people you will be friends with the rest of your life.." Well, I believe that is not true for everyone.

Meeting friends in college is easy, but what happens when you run out of booze, weed, condoms? Are they still your friends? It's questionable.

I came into this new stage of life completely blinded, and now I see clearer than ever. Although, I didn't realize how blind I was until I began to see.

Now, I can sit myself down and admit I was wrong. I came in with a list of expectations, none of which have been checked off.

My time here has been quite the experience, just not the one I wanted. Not even close.

This is entirely my fault, but therefore it's my responsibility to fix it.

I can beat myself up about staying in every night and being "anti-social", or I can applaud myself for steering clear of the unhealthy lifestyles that lurk around campus. I can commend myself for not compromising my ethics in order to 'fit in', which is a skewed concept anyway.

What have I learned from being here? This life just isn't for me.

I have fallen for the cliche, "Do what makes you happy", and this isn't it.

I have learned to find what makes you happy, you must learn what doesn't.

I may be called a wimp, a baby, a wuss, I may be accused of 'not giving it a chance', although, I'm not the one with my head up my ass.

I am one step closer to success because I have realized what works for me and what does not.

I have discovered little new about myself, but a lot about others. But, I came here to learn, mature and grow as a person, not degrade others around me and definitely not to degrade myself.

We do not learn without experience, and we cannot experience until we take a chance.

Do not feel like a failure if things don't go according to plan. Nothing great was ever achieved the first time around.

Its like learning to bake cookies from scratch; They turn out bad, but you figure out what went wrong, change it, and have at it again until they turn out the way you want them.

Powell, Wyoming just happened to be the wrong ingredient in my batch of cookies.

Therefore, Salt Lake City, see you in December.


Entailing Luck

We all know that point when we want to stick our finger to the world and scream screw you.

High school graduation, one week away and I feel bad for those who've yet to learn the real lessons we should know by now.

You know that thing consideration?? Try it.
Remember friendship?? It's not a convenience thing.
Lying?? Ya that will get you no where.
Ever heard of integrity? Aquire some.
Do you recall being selfish?? Of course not. You think you've done nothing wrong.

You know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe high school students aren't supposed to be familiar with all these things by now, after all, some people never change.

Isn't it crazy how someone can get mad at us for doubting and questioning them and their motives, but sometimes we end up being right? Who then is at fault?

The worst feeling is a metaphorical slap in the face or punch in the stomach, but want to know what the best is? The point when you're in such disbelief, you can't help but laugh, and then the laughter never stops.

Laughter (and a few choice words) comes in handy when a handful amount of people deem it necessary to rub something in your face.

A very dear friend and I have come across a motto we say when we see/hear/experience others stupidity, "Good luck in life". These have become my four favorite words recently.

I've talked before about shrugging your shoulders when something bad happens and distancing yourself from those who hurt you, etc. etc. Although, seldomly did I follow my own advice.

I was consumed with wishful thinking, far too much trust and apparently too high of standards for others. Boy did I learn my lesson. I cannot place blame one any one person specifically, for I am the dictator of the paths I travel and the book-keeper of the emotions I check in and out..

I am convinced we are strangely drawn to others, despite the good or bad it will provide. I believe pain is inevitable, and I believe sometimes we cannot hide it. I believe we hold on to others regardless of the pain because pain is better than nothing.

Today, I choose nothing.

In the few days left of high school, I plan not on making a scene, doing something that will "go down in history", or making myself a legend. When the bell rings the last day, I will walk out, appreciative of what was and accepting of what was not.

When my fingers wrap the diploma, I will neither cry nor cheer, but a sigh of relief. I find I have learned enough and will prosper.

I have found plenty good friends along the way and even a few great ones. Both of which had those who decided not to stick around.

To some, it's a pity things had to end up how they did. But if you don't care, why should I?

They say when one door closes, another one opens. I think they're wrong. I think sometimes, you're just supposed to stop going through doors. Maybe take a stroll outside?

Today, I say goodbye to a few. In six days I will say goodbye to High School and my graduating class. In 68 days I will say goodbye to Utah and all who dwell here.

"She says I'm okay; I'm alright,
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would,
Now everything should be all right
-- Flogging Molly

Some people suddenly decide they don't want us in their life, some people replace us. Sometimes we leave people behind, and sometimes we forget them. Often we need to, and often we're meant to. But it's all right, we'll be alright. Good luck in life.


Entailing Pain

Something inside the female brain triggers certain kinds of pain; A type that very few men understand.

We're not built like men, we break. Words stick with us, haunting our minds.

When someone tells us we aren't beautiful, sometimes we believe them. When we're told you don't care, it feels like no one does.

We are forced to wipe tears away when all we want is the let them out. We are forced to bury the emotions we feel because we're critiqued when we express them.

To any mother, father, sibling, friend or boyfriend; You may not see the pain on the surface, you may not recognize the hurt taking place. It happens, and that's reality.

This is a dedication to all the girls who tried, have, or continue to endure.

You flipped over your arm, exposing the scars. You told me you used salt and ice, wrapped in a bandage, burning your arms; Sometimes you even used a knife. Because you loved him, none of us stepped in. But I am proud after the years of conflict and heartache you finally freed yourself from his lies and deceit.

I saw your hand, cut and swollen and bruised. She slammed it in the door because you couldn't follow orders quick enough. The few who know, continue to watch, saddened, wishing of something we could do. One day it'll be over, one day you'll leave that place. You have a place to stay, safe and confidential. Hang in there.

He told you you'd never look pretty and she drank, drink after drink until the she began to yell. Fooling everyone, they put on a good show, and so do you. "No one will believe you" they say, but we do. When the fights begin, walk away and don't fight back. You're counting down the days until you can get out, and so are we.

We watched as your legs grew thing and listened when you kindly said, "No thank you, I'm full". You didn't let us help, you didn't let us in. I'm sorry he stopped loving you; It's not because you're not beautiful, it's not because you're not thin. No body knows what changed, but we're happy you're healthy, smiling and once again saying, "I'm hungry".

Nothing seemed to go right, regretfully, no one seemed to take you seriously, just the girl who cried wolf. For a while, things looked up, positive, and new. One after another, things fell apart; Just so you know, you're little brother is the one who found you; Quietly hanging. Everyone misses you; Thanks you for trying, for doing your best. Praying pain fled from your heart as your soul fled the earth. Til' the day we meet, rest in peace.

To those who don't make it, I would not like to promote your actions, but commend your trial. Giving it your best is all anyone could have asked of you. Apologies will be cast in your place, wishing more could have been done.

I also commend those who do make it through, may you continue to prosper. Strength will become on of your most admirable characteristics. When it seems like the tunnel is everlasting, keep going. You are surrounded by many, willing to listen, willing to help.

Most of whom the snippets are about are girls very dear to me. I have learned much from them, and thank them for everything they've shared. Confidential, but they know who they are.

There's not much to say, but to let the words sink in.


Entailing Freedom

On her two feet
the music began to play.
As it played
she watched.
She carried the weight upon her shoulders
she let the burdens hold her down.
In her eyes the world was uneven
in her mind she could do it on her own.
Accustomed, she walked just fine
so numb, she didn't even notice.
Concerned, He looked down at her
and muttered this wouldnt do.
Because I love you, He told her
this is something I must do.
Placing more on her shoulders
the pain began to spread.
She fell
feeling like she failed.
No, He told her.
Pride hinders
you will stand still.
Once you fall
loosen up your hold
and let it all go
you will move again.
This time forward
this time free.
On her two feet
the music began to play.
As it played
she danced.
As she danced, she thanked Him.
As she danced
she was free.


Entailing Filling

"The first few days when that space someone/something filled is empty are the hardest; but they always get filled."

People break and people fall, but we underestimate the willingness of others to mend us and reach out their hand to help us up again.

When we hear the word "Relationship" we think two people swooning over each other, romantic, and commited. But in all honesty, it's not just that.

A relationship is the way two people connect on specific levels. A relationship is a generalized friendship made to prosper.

It's funny to look back on your life, and wonder what it would be like without the people in it. Would you be who you are today? Would your life really be all that different?

We can sit back and wish someone had/had never come into our lives. But in all reality, every person in our lives shape and form us in one way or another.

Some are the people we:
Go to for a good laugh, a slap on the knee kind of person.
-Tell all our secrets to, regardless how significant it is, a confidant.
-Simply cry to, after a rough day, they're a shoulder to cry on.
-Look up to, admire, the hero type.
-Casually speak with, the occasional small talk and "weren't you there when..."
-Rely on for advice. They're our problem solvers.
-Count on as our other half, from bringing out our wild side to breaking the hard shell we cover ourselves in.

The list is infinite, but more true than the grass is green.

Although to fully understand the value of real friendships/relationships, at some point it's necessary to become familiar with the feelings of lonliness, betrayal and rock bottom.

At times, we will feel alone, lost, confused, overwhelmed, etc. but when someone reaches out, or two strangers cross paths at the right time, hope is restored.

We will come across all sorts of people in our lives, all different, all playing different roles.

No one person keeps the same status in our lives forever. Don't be surprised when someone slowly drifts or even walks right out of your life. That's just how it goes.

We must learn to appreciate what/who we have while we have it/them, for nothing and no one is permanent. Allow others to come and go, for we do the same.

Some accompany us in the best memories we'll hold, some disappoint and break our hearts, some simply seem to appear in the backround, and some make us feel alive again.

Regardless, they all matter.

Some are a passing glance in the hallway.
Some, an afternoon chat on the porch.
Some are a casual walk in the park.
Some, a marathon partner.

The ugly truth: some friendships aren't meant to last. Some loves are meant to break. Some people are only meant to appear for a fragment of time. And some people just change. Sometimes it hurts like hell, but it becomes altering when we realize the difference they made in us and the good while it lasted.

People are like clouds, they go from hovering on a sunny day to bombarding during a storm. They come and go; potentially annoying, but at times, just what we need.

When one person leaves us, another one comes. Don't get strung up on one, or many for that matter.

It's not really who is filling the space within us, but the mere fact of filling it.

It's strange and sometimes painful when a specific space is filled for so long and suddenly emptied, but it's a transitional stage.

Think of it like a trash can, (or recycling bin) you can't fill it with the new until you dump the old. There's an inbetween stage of required emptiness, but in time, fills back up.

Our friends are some of the most valuable people. They understand our abstract ways of thinking and the silly things we do. Remember all the times you've thanked your lucky stars for them. Don't forget to be that great friend in return. Without our them life would be far more difficult to handle.

Continue to love your family. Blood is the closest relation you'll ever have to someone. When it comes down to it, through our mistakes and foolish decisions/bad attitudes our families love us unconditionally, return to favor and let it show.

Boyfriends/girlfriends share a lot in common on different levels. One tends to bend over backwards for the other, simply out of love and appreciation. Don't take advantage or forget the reasons why you love them. And at all costs, try not to hurt them. Enjoy their company, even if it's for a short time.

People come and go, but our lives keep going. Whoever is meant to be in your life will be right on pace with you and whoever isn't will deviate. Don't stop and wait, Like The Beatles said, "Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, Lala how the life goes on"


Entailing Calluses

We callus our hearts just as we callus anything else; Put it through a little pain until eventually it doesn't hurt anymore.


Entailing The Little Things

As a whole, we tend to be misled by the fact that our well-being is based on the big and central things in our life. What we fail to see is that a collection of little things is just as good.

They're the little things that happen periodically throughout the day that make us smile. The little things that make our day a little better.

When sheets/clothes are still warm when you pull them out of the dryer
Finding money in your pocket you didn't know was there
Your favorite song comes on the radio
A compliment from a stranger
Unexpected hugs (from someone you like that is)
Texts from a friend saying how lucky they feel to be your friend
Beating your high score on a game
Finding hidden notes
Not having your phone for a while, getting it and having a bunch of calls/texts.
When someone tells you you look pretty/nice
Genuinely being asked how you're doing
People remembering something you said when you didn't think they would
Getting in your car and noticing your parents filled your gas tank
Being told you make somebody proud
When friends show up at your work just to say hi
People at your game, cheering specifically for you
Finding an old picture that brings back good memories

The little things that matter vary in individuals, but I believe there is a common understanding that we love the the little things because they make us feel appreciated and reassured that somebody cares.

On the flip side, if there are little things that make us happy, there has to be the ones that do the opposite.

Dropping all your books when you're in a hurry
When your phone/ipod dies
How slow the internet can be sometimes
Wanting to wear something and realizing it's in the washing machiene
A pen runs out of ink or pencil out of led
Being able to tell someone doesn't want to talk to you
Seeing someone you like with another person
Can't remember the artist or title of the song stuck in your head
When a DVD skips, especially at your favorite part
Feeling used
Thinking its Thursday, but it's only Tuesday
Misplacing your keys
Forgetting you had homework due

Its apparent an accumulation of little things can actually play a part in our day. The good ones can make a day brighter and the bad ones can be the rain above your head.

I realized lately that unselfish living in the key to happiness.

Being the bigger person in a situation is a guarantee for happier living than resentment.

It's also a guarantee that we won't always get what we want, so what then? Rely on being content.

Last week at yoga, the card I recieved at the beginning was contentment; encouraging me to welcome and accept what life was giving me. This is extremely valid for my life right now as well as others.

For me, a typical high school girl, wants more than anything to get asked to prom senior year. Being a realist, It's extremely likely that wish won't come true. Disappointing? Very. But being content with it will make it easier.

I don't want to move. But its likely my dad will get a job and I will have to pack up and move away from whats familiar and comfortable. But if I look at it with a fresh perspective and become content, it could turn into an adventure.

Sorry, quite the tangent from "little things". Basically, if we live selflessly and do our best to complete the rhelm of little things in someone else's life, it's just as good as them happening to us.

Doing good for others becomes a domino effect, something little and effortless for us could mean to world to someone else.

You may not be stacked with dollar bills to hand over to charity, but use the resources you have to better the world, or at least one persons world.

We underestimate the power and effect we have; Define it, embrace it, use it.


Entailing Sighs, Head Shaking & Laughter.

There are common occurrences throughout the day that make us just shake our head and sigh deeply, in a sort of "Did that really just happen?" kind of way.

At the same time, they are the sort of things that you can't help but laugh about.

The sighs:
- Playing with your mechanical pencil, and the little clasp on the side breaks off. Most people go and get a new pencil.
- An unintentional or intentional flat tire. It's a pain in the ass to put your shoe back on.
- You're finally in bed, almost asleep, and you remember something you need to do.
- Cliffhangers. It would be better just to know how it ends now, not next week or in the sequel that's not even out yet.
- Driving down the isle and you think you see an empty parking spot, but actually, it's not.

The head shakes
- Walk into a room and forgetting all together why you walked in there. Walk out, and you remember why.
- Thinking something, saying it aloud, and it ends up being misconstrued; you try and fix it, but you only make it worse.
- Sometimes people let their butt crack hang out of their jeans; I wonder how they don't realize it.
- When that one person cracks a racist or religious joke, unaware there is a person of that race or religion in the room.
- Ever been so embarrassed/mad/shocked you are utterly speechless? Usually that's followed with a few head shakes.

The laughter
- When people fall, sorry, but that's just funny.
- Sitting in the middle of class and remembering that one time.. As you laugh to yourself, you get a room full of weird looks.
- Red light, the person next to you is rockin' out.
- Over hearing the wrong part of a conversation, say no more.
- Awkward moments are hands down the best, especially with intention to do so.

I've come to realize lately we just need to shake things off, let them go and move on.

Karma gets everyone at some point or another. Let others make their own mistakes, shake your head and laugh, anxiously awaiting the day we can say, "I told you so."

Quit panicking when things are skewed, they are supposed to be that way.

People do stupid things. We laugh at others, so in return we should laugh at ourselves and allow others to laugh at us.

Being mature could be addressing a matter, but I think from now on, It's like the Beatles said, "Let it be".

A person can only fail so many times before they give up. Well, not necessarily give up, but realize it's a waste of time.

A conversation I recently had with a dear friend left me with this:
If someone shuts and locks the door, I'm not going to bother knocking or bother to pic the lock; I'm just going to shrug my shoulders and walk away.

If somebody is so careless to shut you out, what do you owe them but the sight of your backside heading in the opposite direction? Nothing.

A little sigh of contentment, a head shake of "so be it", and a quiet laugh, we learn to just let things go and avoid the accumulation of potential stresses and such.

Eventually we all fall on the stairs and eventually we all have a pencil snap.

Stand up and for heavens sake watch where you're walking next time, and go ahead and grab a new pencil, maybe just don't fidget so much with it.


Entailing Future/Dreams

Like many, my thoughts lately have been scattered.

I can think straight, but when it comes to translating my thoughts into words, they seem to die, like a filled balloon slowly losing its air.

The drive home from school today was sunny so I allowed myself to roll down the windows and crack open my sunroof. When I pulled into my driveway, my eye caught the extremely large tree that sits on the corner of my yard.

I grabbed my journal, stuck a pen in my mouth and climbed meticulously into the tree. Unsure how to sit lady like in the tree, at the same time avoid a fall, I gave up ettiquette and straddled the large branch.

I wrote my usual page then shut the leather bound book and let the combination of sun and breeze create temporary warmth on my skin and tangles in my hair. Meanwhile, my thoughts went awry:

I sat, picturing my life in a week, a month, a year, five years, twenty years?

There are many things we would like to do and accomplish in our years, although we cannot plan for anything.

A harsh truth: Plans set limitations, and in all honesty invites disappointment, for nothing ever goes accordingly.

Although we shouldn't plan, that doesn't mean we shouldn't chase after our dreams.

If I could eat dinner with ten people, living or dead:
1. Jesus
2. Anne Frank
3. Henry David Thoreau
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Dave Matthews
6. Dr. Suess
7. J.R.R. Tolkien
8. Rosa Parks
9. Aron Lee Ralston

And Finally, 10. Walt Disney

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

A man who had a dream, who put forth all the money he had. Who is now, one of the most successful people ever to live; Leaving behind a legacy

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

It's one thing to sit back and tell the world what to do, it's quite another to prove what you say is indeed possible.

The world provides us with plenty of hinderings that will [try] to prevent us from succeeding.

I can honestly say from speculation and experience, time heals all things.

Although, we cannot sit back and wait. Our time here is limited, it only seems fair to do the most with what we have when others are cut short of theirs.

Sure, Tomorrow is a new day, but make today a good day, for it will become a yesterday, and our yesterdays are the only thing no one can take away from us.

Plan not, go with the flow of life. Seek everything as a new opportunity and a new adventure.

As calamitous life can get, strive to learn from it. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?

The life we are living is constantly changing and rarely goes the way we want it.

There will be those times when we feel worn down, disappointed and broken; strap a bandaid to the wound, and evetually it will heal. Rip it off quickly and it will sting, but only for a moment. Anticipating your next fall out for they never cease and never hurt worse. But everytime, we overcome.

As much as we like to think they do, people never change.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Broke your heart once, they'll do it again.
A liar will never stop lying.
etc. etc. etc.

People let us down, but our dreams never do.

Chase your dreams; The only thing stopping you, is you.

And so, I tossed my journal and pen out of the tree and jumped down. I took a deep breath, and whatever it holds, I enthusiastically welcomed my future, walked inside, smile and all..

PS. Readers, it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback on my blog. Comments are the best! Please&Thankyou.


Entailing Switches

It's quite fascinating the things we put ourselves through.

The things we allow ourselves to endure.

The things we deprive ourselves of, to go with out.

In all perspective, it's rather silly!

Where is that little switch inside of us that makes us tick; It's as if there's a bomb hidden within, waiting for its cue.

Suddenly, something inside of us detonates.

Some call it drive. Some call it reality. Some say "enough is enough".

-Dripping sweat, what pushes the athlete to finish and finish strong?
-Hours into the night, books sprawled, sleepy, weary; doesn't the student sleep?
-The most forgiving, why do they finally stand up for themselves?
-Started merely as ideas, how did the entrepreneur start his company?
-Quiet and unnoticed, what makes the shy one speak up?

If you're into excuses:
I don't have time.
I'm tired.
Too much pressure.
I already did.
It's not my thing.
I don't want to be a b*tch.
It's not in the cards for me.
I don't want to look stupid.
He/she did/didn't.
I'm going to fail anyway
I don't want to.

Sound familiar?

Fear + Uncertainty = Excuses

What have you got to lose by trying one more time? If you fail, you can look back and said you tried.
Who cares what other people have done? You are you're own person, leave your own legacy.
Consideration and common courtesy, a preference. Standing up for yourself, absolutely necessary.
100 more yards, a few more seconds, one last shot, one more swing; Go. All. Out.
In the world we fight against each other. In our minds, we fight against ourselves.

- You want to eat healthy?
Set aside your bag of potato chips, throw away your brownies and buy some vegetables.

- Want to get in shape?
Turn off the TV and go for a run.

- Want to play a college sport?
They probably don't know you exist, take initiative.

- Sick of being broke?
Get up, get some applications, throw on your nice shirt and get an interview.

- Want to pass that class?
Sit down, open your book, and figure it out.

- Feeling friendless?
Grow a pair, introduce yourself to someone.

- Betrayed?
Drown yourself in the reality of human nature, and move on.

- Don't know where to start?
Something is a whole lot better than nothing. Stop thinking about it, and actually make some effort.

We have all been made to endure, along with the ability to challenge ourselves.

We have been made to tolerate pain, both physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Don't cheat yourself by playing it safe. Test yourself.

Discover whether you have what it takes to prevail; because when you do, that undescribable drive, that switch has been flipped, letting nothing stand in your way.

Others will wonder; You will be unstoppable.


Entailing The Way Out, Is Through.

A phase. A time frame. A series of events. Ranging from something small and irrelevant to something tragic and all around life altering.

Our lives are filled with things that challenge us to triumph.

For some reason, by observation and speculation, I have noticed a pattern. One concerning emotion, one I still don't completely understand.

Why do we feel expressing anything other than happiness is taboo? Why do we strive to push down every unsettling emotion to the very depths of ourselves, for no one else to see?

For days, months, maybe even years, we can cast our emotions deep into the labyrinth, bottle it up, and assume all is well.

So many are discomforted by the unperfect sentiments of others. Why? Why do some find themselves at a loss for words? It can in no way be a lack of understanding, for all human beings are capable of all emotion.

We differintiate from animals by our ability to feel and comprehend the whole spectrum of emotion, but for some reason society as a whole shuns anything but "having it all together". So we pretend; we pretend to abide by the ludicrous standards and expectations of society.

We must render our pride and come to realize, without fail, eventually even the strongest break.

I commend those who rebound quickly from their frustrations, betrayals, misfortunes, etc. I pity those who cannot escape theirs.

Now that hopefully you realize it's perfectly normal to have a variety of emotions, how do we deal with the hard ones?

What to do when we find ourselves paralyzed, eyes penetrating for a way out.

My advice, for multiple accounts:

1. Don't set a date to be "over" something. Unnecessary pressure.
2. Have a few good friends, one or two, you can confide in; Who understand you.
3. If talking about whatever your hardship is triggers tears, let it happen. My Mom told me tears are words you can't explain.
4. Deep breaths and count to 10. Surprisingly, it actually works.
5. You will have good and bad days. Take them as they come, the good are good, and the bad will pass.
6. Helping those in need reminds you there will always be someone out there who has it worse.It doesn't make what you're going through easier, but makes you aware someone has it harder.
7. Make a list of things that are going well in your life. A reminder not all is lost.
8. When things are out of your control, stop being so hard on yourself.
9. Appreciate what you have, while you have it. Don't wait for it to be gone to realize that.
10. Consider you're well being then, and now.
11. Pray.

I intend not to insinuate hardships in one's life are not in fact, hard. Nor do I believe I understand all suffering.

My life has been indeed blessed in numerous ways, I never doubt that for a second.

Recent happenings left me questioning myself, doubting people and searching for something to make it all go away.

Wrapping up the last day of a rough week, I figured there was no way out, just through. I could stay where I was, making no progress while I waited around for the result I wanted and half the time expected, cheating myself; or I could take a deep breath and move forward.

- I posses a few very good friends, somewhat distancing myself from the rest.
- I am expanding my food horizon, having checked off Korean and Indian.
- I am volunteering with Habitat for Humanity.
- I have a journal, and I plan to fill it full with chicken scratch scribbles, meaningful as well as meaningless words, and pictures, sketches, etc.
- I'm reading books.. for fun.

I figured I hit the expiration date regarding a particular phase in my life. So I must be greatful for the opportunities and memories I had, accept they are no more, and move forward; thus planning to lengthen my list above.

There's no "out" in life, just dealing with it, adapting to it, and going through it.


Entailing Chasing

A good friend of mine told me:
"guys are like subway trains. Don't run after them, another one is on the way"

This can relate to both girls and guys.

When the train is leaving, why do we find the urge to chase after it? Obviously, it wasn't the train we were supposed to be on, and obviously, we won't be able to catch it.

Often times, we are so focused on something, want something so bad, we don't realize whether or not it's worth it. Is the plus really worth the minus?

My personal definition of chasing: Personal pursuit, no real chance to obtain.

Catching whatever is chased is not impossible, but it's difficult, it's dubious. I applaud those who stick it out, reaping the rewards.

Others like to be chased. Some more than others. We are built up, lured in, only to be left dumbfounded; A recurring cycle, effortless for the pursued.

Those who chase find it most difficult not to keep running, push through when it's hard, or give in when it's easy, but to stop, realize it's pointless and walk away with out regret.
What drives the pursued to play such harsh and cruel games? Where is the pride in hurting others? Is it power? Is it the satisfaction of being wanted? Vengeance? It's unexplainable.

We can all admit to once being the victim and the villain. Can you ask yourself why?

- Why was/am I chasing? Was/will I be successful? Was/is this really worth it?
These questions you must answer for yourself, in complete honesty with intent to benefit yourself.

- Why did/do I like to be chased? Did/do I realize how my actions are affecting others? Did/do I plan on being "caught"?
These are questions you must answer yourself, in complete honesty with intent to benefit others.

I tend to make a cliche out of cliches. But two hovering lately, (having many variations) "You never know a good thing til it's gone" and "Wanting what you can't have". These of which I think are catalysts in "the chase".

Not knowing a good thing til its gone; A sad, but ugly truth that we fail to appreciate what we have, when we have it. Why is there a sudden epiphany once it's gone?? Blasphemy!

Wanting what we can't have; Exactly what chasing is. Why are we so drawn to it?

The chasers: Know when enough's enough, learn to differintiate between when you have a chance, and when you don't.
The chased: At some point, the chasers will come to their senses and wait and chase no longer. Figure out what you want, or you'll be left with nothing at all.

Simple, literal, actual.


Entailing Judging, Profiling, etc.

A few days ago a friend confided regarding his/her sexuality and that he/she was attracted to the same sex.

As it turned out the significant other was in the same class as we were. I questioned why they weren't talking I was told
"we are trying not to make it obvious. People are just bitches about it"

Personally, I had no criticism or judgment in the matter, although some are apparently not as understanding. My response: Well I'm happy for you! You found someone who makes you happy which is rare these days. Let other people say/think what they want, do what makes you happy because that's all that really matters.

At times, the world is cruel and judgmental. Every topic imaginable attracts some sort of harsh critique or personal opinion/judgement.

Who are we to make assumptions about those we don't even know?

Each day we walk the town going about our daily routine, crossing paths with those we know, and those we do not.

- What do you really know about the girl in the coffee shop besides the letters on her name tag and the smile that appears to be forced?
- Do you know much about the elderly brisk-walker besides the fact he always walks alone?
- Why is that one professor always so uptight?
- Does that jock actually have it all together like he protrays?
- Why is that girl crying to herself in the bathroom during class?
- He's looks classy head to toe, why does the gentleman and his brief case wait for the bus each morning at promptly 8:05?

We encounter millions of people in our lifetime and sadly, make unfair assumptions without reason.

Don't you think that's unfair?

Our lives are stacked with our own mistakes, our own struggles, our own ways of coping. How is it we expect others to sympathize without doing so ourselves?

All credit themselves to being "more than meets the eye" but are ironically quick to profile/stereotype/assume/critize.

I recently took a field trip to the prison. A 25 year old spoke of his alcohol addiction and homocide of a 15 year old boy.

I'm sure a fair amount of my classmates made a harsh judgement right then and there. He killed a person, a near unforgivable crime.

As for myself, I noticed the long blinks and sighs as the haunting memory replayed in his head. I saw the pain in his eyes.

While a room of high school students sat before the prisoner, it was then i realized; until his breathless day, he will remain a prisoner to himself.

That alone we cannot relate to, therefore, we must cast our judgement aside.

I often catch myself saying htings about people I would not say if i had a few minutes to think about it.

I am quick to stop and remind myself "Do i really have a reason for this/that?" My answer most of the time, No.

We are all acutely aware we don't live perfectly, nor perfectly happy. It would be foolish so assume others do.

My point being, be careful of you wired thoughts and poisonous gossip, it may come back to haunt you. Consider any hardships of those you pass by, whether it is a friend, teacher, co-worker, or even a complete stranger.

For all: There is plenty to be aware of.
For Most: There is room for improvement.
For Some: There is need for a serious character revolution.

Ready. Set. Go


Entailing Pet Peeves

I think there is a common ground we all stand on in some aspects. They are the things for some reason bug us more than other things.

When they occur we find the sudden urge to shake our heads in displeasure, sigh heavily, and sometimes we let a little finger slip and mutter a choice word or two.

It seems we all have a "list".. and we always say "OMFG! That's my number one pet peeve!" right after we just said something else was our number one pet peeve too... but thats besides the point.
Pet peeves

-Why can we only change the song a limited amount of times!? Talk about frustrating.
- Some songs don't even belong on the station I chose. Way to be an idiot Pandora!
2. Phones
-Why doesn't my phone spell taco? T9, You think it could spell that over mississippi.
-We enter the same words over and over and over, but still, our phones never spell them. T9, you suck.
-Dear computer, if you're so hitek, why are you so slow sometimes?
- I swear I am typing my password right, stop telling me it's wrong!
-"The page you have selected cannot be viewed at this time". Well why the heck not?!

1. Blinkers
- Leaving them on for 5 minutes after the turn has been made. Uh, are you deaf/blind?
- If they had used their blinker like they're supposed to, I could have gone/I wouldnt have come close to rear ending you!
2. "Bad asses"
- Sorry, but you're ridiculously loud bass doesn't make you cool, it's just annoying.
- So what, You have a big truck. Want a gold star?
- You drive 20 over the speed limit and then cut me off.. I hope you get a ticket!

1. Wording
- Seeing the letters "LOL" in a text makes me want to throw up. End of subject.
- Shortening things like "U" for you, "2" for to/too, etc. makes you sound ghetto. What kind of rush are you in that you can't use proper english?
2. Conversation
- Don't send one word texts, they're annoying. If you don't want to talk, then just say so.
- Conversation killers, just don't do it. Text like you're having an actual conversation, it's not that hard.

1. When it's in your mouth
-Please, chew with your mouth closed. That's more classy than showing me everything you're about to swallow.
-You're mom told you it was impolite to talk with your mouth full.. Ten years later, that's still true.
-No one likes a loud eater. Simple as that.

1. Spelling
-Some words are hard to spell, sure. But the easy ones? Come on! Someone said the other day, "Sorry if i'm boaring you" -- Ohhh ya?? "Boaring me"? Pretty sure a boar is a pig buddy.
2. Vocabulary
-If you don't know what the word means, please don't try to make yourself sound smarter by using it. You usually end up using it in the wrong context, making yourself sound like an idiot.

1. Girls
-Flaunting your cleveage doesnt make you sexy, just trashy.
-Butt cracks/thongs hanging from your jeans only makes people laugh and want to take pictures,then show you.
-Shirts that have sayings like "I love my boyfriend" or "kiss me!" aren't cute, they're childish.
2. Boys
-Sagging your jeans doesn't make you gangster, it makes you waddle.
-Wifebeaters don't show off your muscles. They make you look like you belong in a trailer park.
-Girl jeans belong on girls! No exceptions.

People in general
1.Getting Some
-No one really wants to know the play by play of what happened with you and your "other". It's gross.
-Not knowing the last name of the person you hooked up with. (Thats a new one in my book)How can you possibly not know their last name?!
2. Conceited Individuals
-Spilling your life story to someone you don't know. Well now that's just awkward.
-Fishing for compliments. Everyone will give you the compliment, but they probably won't even mean it but they just want you to shut up.
-Go ahead, talk about how much money/stuff you have. Some girl/guy will end up marrying you for money. Bummer.
-When people think they're always right. Holy hell, we're all wrong at some point, give it a rest!

BASICALLY, there are a plethora of things that get on our/my nerves. I could sit here all day and conjure up more, but I think that at this point I've gotten my point across.

I know pet peeves are annoying, but control you're anger, punch a pillow or something, not the plate on the counter, or you're little brother/sister next to you (Mom wouldn't approve). So laugh them off and realize, you have probably played a part in someone's pet peeve before.


Entailing Self

Earlier this week there was a post-it note stuck to the mirror in the girls bathroom at school.

"You are beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you you aren't. You're awesome and there is always someone who loves you. Have a great day!"

Naturally I laughed. "How cliche" I thought. But still, how nice of the young lady to make the effort to make someone's day. I bet some girl needed that. Maybe that girl was me.

Often times our thoughts, actions and intentions are all for the good of other people. I am in no way saying that is a bad thing, although we tend to forget about ourselves.

We need to take into consideration our own well-being:

- Treat yourself to that donut you've been craving for weeks
- That new pair of jeans you've been eyeing for quite some time
- A night on the town with some good friends
- Bubble bath anyone?
- It's ok to cry
- Take a day off
- Dance in front of the mirror, it's underrated.
- Break from technology for a day; phone, computer, etc.
- Walk briskly away from the bad things
- Quickly approach the good
- Splurge a little
- Start that journal that's been lying around
- Get all dressed up for no reason at all
- It's true, heals make you feel pretty.
- Give that guy/girl your number
- Even if you suck, sing at the top of your lungs
- Have a night you just might not remember
- Chick flicks are fine, even for guys.

The possibilities are endless.

"Love yourself" the most cliche of all cliche's. But it seems like majority of the time, cliche's are true.

If you put a little more effort into yourself, you may come to realize life might seem a little better. Selfish isn't the right word, but rather premeditated; conscious of the quality of life.

Don't feel guilty to worry about yourself rather than other people for a while. When we lose sight of ourselves, somehow everything seems to fall out of line.

By all means you can still care and love on other people! I am not saying don't in the least.

Just remember the person you want to portray yourself to be starts within, and if you lack to take care of the good person you want to be, emotionally physically and psychologically, there will be nothing to show for.

So have fun, relax, go crazy; Whatever it takes to help restore your faith in yourself.


Entailing Control

Control: n. 1. power to direct or regulate.

This is the time where I discuss a concept many fail to come to terms with, myself convicted for the crime at times.

There comes a point, multiple times, in one's life where they no longer have control in a given situation. Being made the way we are, we find extreme discomfort when we cannot dictate every happening in our lives.

How can we possibly think we can control every situation?? Well, reality check, we can't!

Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do in the situation. When that happens, the easiest thing to do is separate yourself from whatever it may be, that is if it's giving you grief.

By changing up the situation, you can better it for yourself by controlling what you actually can control.

For instance:
1. Ice cream makes you sick lets say, simply eat brownies instead. It's not your fault ice cream makes you sick, but by eating brownies, you feel fine and most likely still extremely satisfied.
2. You're trying to squeeze in the turn lane but one car just can't sacrifice one car space. Out of your control, sure. You control the gas pedal right? Speed on up, scope out that gap and get on in there. Not only are you ahead of the car that wouldn't let you in, you'll probably make the light!
3. Douche bags in high school? Wow, that's a surprise. It's not your fault they deem it necessary to insult, ignore or possibly hate you. That's their problem. Strut you're stuff, make them realize you're not who they thought you were.

Have I made my point?

Long story short, if there is something or someone that is currently throwing lemons at you, pick them up and make the gosh dang lemonade.

We are responsible for the quality of our own lives. Quality being defined on a personal level; If you are happy with your life, who cares what everyone else thinks?

Jurassic 5 has a song called Quality Control, my favorite line being:
"My mental maneuver will clear and steer right through ya... I plant my dreams in the field and wait to harvest my skills"

Keep your head up and do what you do best.


Entailing Happiness

In elementary happiness was defined by being first in line or how many desserts were in our brown paper sacks at lunch. In junior high happiness was defined by knowing all the words to the coolest songs on the radio and getting our permits. In high school, happiness was defined by friday night football games and doing the "cool thing".

Taylor Swift said it perfectly, "People are people and sometimes we change our mind". Human nature is to chase after what makes you happy, but sometimes, what makes us happy changes.

Maybe instead of chocolate pudding, you like vanilla. Maybe instead of Lord of the Rings, you like Harry Potter. Maybe instead of him/her, it's someone else. Or maybe instead of chasing, its walking away.

An unexpected source told me earlier this week, "Just do what makes you happy." In my head, I couldn't figure out what that was. For so long I thought I was doing what was making me happy? Obviously, I was wrong.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" Wise words by the famous Dr. Seuss. Although he wrote children's books about green eggs and ham, he sure knew a thing or two about life.

It's easy to lash out when we're sad, angry and upset. Its easy to make mistakes we can't take back. It's hard when we realize in desperation to maintain the happiness, all did was drive it away. It's hard to accept it's time for a change. Realistically, welcome to life.

I've come to realize, we never lose what makes us happy, it just changes.

A common phrase, "Happiness is a choice" is my mantra from here on out, Along with Albert Einstein's “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Sentences well pronounced Al. Sentences well pronounced.

Are we the happiest when everything seems to be going right? Or does everything seem to go right when we are the happiest?

A few things to figure and work on I suppose. A deep breath, a sigh of relief. Cheers to moving forward.

Entailing Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a new day. And I think from here on out, I'll be just fine.

Sometimes all it takes is a few words from an unexpected source to make you realize you're fighting a winless battle.

"Its not starting over, it's just going back to the way it was before and doing things a little bit different"


Entailing Overthinking

Why is it when we need to think the most our mind draws a blank, yet when we need think the least, a thousand entangled thoughts swim in our heads.
The other day I was desperately searching for the answers to the problems on my AP Statistics test. After a late night of studying, I thought the chances were slim my score would be unsatisfying. Confidently strolling out of the class I told myself, "Piece of cake". Naturally, that was not the case when our scores were returned.
The average was a 10/16 on the multiple choice, and I received a 10. A sigh of dissatisfaction flowed out, and my teacher said, "You probably just over thought it."
How can that be? Over thinking? As if I could lay my hand on the paper and hope my hands would take over, selecting the correct answers. If only!
How about when you don't hear back from a significant other or friend for an hour, or however amount of time is "long" to you?
Suddenly, and naturally, we assume the worst. Asking ourselves the most outlandish questions. Did I do something wrong? Does he/she not like me anymore? Are they avoiding me? My favorite of all, maybe they didn't get me call/text.
What ends up really happening? They fell asleep, they were playing xbox, they were talking to their family members/friends. Feeling foolish for getting upset, we try to avoid getting mad. Although, without fail, there are those psychos who send 13 texts within the hour, 23 phone calls without a message.
Come on people, why over think?
My favorite movie, "He's just not that into you" says it perfectly, "If he wants to talk to you, he will." I think that goes for all.
Human nature is to think, but is that always the right thing to do? Maybe sometimes we just need to turn off the switch in our brain and say to ourselves, "I think I'll pass on that one." It may end up sparing us all from a little pain.
Just a bit of food for thought.


Entailing Aspirations

An extremely common and misused phrase, "I know exactly what you're going through". Rarely ever does one experience exactly what another does. Yet, we still find comfort in that fact.
The average being longs for a confidant who relates on the same level they do. Who understands exactly why you have the urge to say "That's what she said" every opportunity you get, or why after he/she mistreats you, you still end up back with them.
The world is filled with contradictions, opinions, questions and answers. It all seems less intimidating when someone else is there with you solving the puzzles of life.
If we were provided life with all the answers, existence would be lifeless and boring to say the least. I plan to challenge the big questions, as well as the little; The silly and the serious. As for providing answers, who's to say I'll get them right? Who has the answer key to life after all? The big guy upstairs of course. For now, I am simply taking the test.