
Entailing: What do you want to be when you grow up?

We spend 12 years in school, 2 years getting our "generals", 2 years for graduate school, and another 4-8 years getting a P.H.D., Masters, etc.

After all of these years, we still do what puts money in our pocket, not happiness in our hearts.

Through our many years of education, we've had guest speakers about being a computer programmer, a doctor, a financial genius.

When was the last time you had a guest speaker who spoke about choosing a career that you loved, and not one that made you money.

Of course it’s possible to have a career that comes with the love of the profession as well as the money.

But too often, money and "security" comes before happiness.

I am in no way undermining the importance of have a secure job that will put food on the table and a roof over your head for your family.

An average person works 50-60 hours a week, shouldn't you be doing something that you enjoy?

Little kids since elementary are asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

An astronaut, an actor/actress, a professional athlete, a rock star.

Then unfortunately, they are told "That industry is too hard", "That will get you nowhere in life", "That won't put a roof over your head"

& just like that, their dreams are shattered.

Adults claim the youth should be allowed to dream; but, if they are allowed to dream, shouldn't they be allowed to pursue?

Seldom are our dreams pursued.

Being an adult comes with responsibility, but no one said it had to be boring.

If sitting in a cubicle 50 hours a week makes you happy, sit away; although if sitting on the street corner playing your songs, trying to make it big makes you happy, you too should sit away.

If you want to save lives, go ahead and be a doctor. If you want to save lives, be a preacher; less money, same idea?

If you have a passion, you do it well. So why wouldn't you put everything you have into something if something you can do means everything to you?

On your death bed, no one will ask you, "So how much money did you make in your lifetime?" they will ask you, "Were you happy?", "Are you satisfied with how you spent your time, your life?"

Don't be the one to say, no.

Why, at 18 and 19 years old are we forced to pick a major?

Hell, I still struggle with what I want to do on Friday nights and have problems committing to what I want for lunch, how can I possibly commit to a lifetime career?

Why should someone with a higher diploma automatically receive a job?

Job opportunities should not be strictly education-level based.

Our parents, grandparents, and bosses complain how this generation is losing communication skills and face-to-face interaction, but may not hire us, not because of our likeability or interaction skills, but because we didn't pass a test a computer grades us on, or because my diploma doesn't say the three letters, P.H.D.?


Way to set an example, hypocrite.

Decide who you want to be, not what your career aptitude test says you're "compatible" for.

If you want to be remembered, do something worth remembering.


Entailing: Step Two

I consider myself one of the luckiest girls out there.

I have some of the greatest friends out there & have had some really great memories with some very wonderful people.

Hearts break, but I've realized - nothing breaks that can't be fixed. It just takes time and rehabilitation.

Until an alcoholic or druggy admits they have a problem, they cannot make progress.

Until we accept heart break for what it is, we cannot heal.

They don't call progress, progress for no reason, or healing, healing for the hell of it.

Both of these things require time, but eventually they're ok again.

If you woke up in the morning, all better, it'd be a miracle.

No one made a rule book to healing a broken heart, only suggestions.

I've heard and frankly despised the quote, "If you love someone, let them go." I figured that made no sense!? If you loved someone, why would you let them go?

I understand now. And I don't think its a very easy thing to explain until you feel it yourself. But I'll try to explain..

It's fair. Relationships should be based on a 200% grading. 100% sureness from both people.

Love is understanding, if someone needs time away or apart, be merciful.

It will hurt and sting, but the minute you become understanding, life seems a whole lot easier.

It's so diffucult to listen to people say, maybe it's not meant to be.

You don't have to convince yourself it is, or isn't. You just have to be open to both ideas.

Some people break up and never get back together. Some people break up a million times and end up getting married. No relationship is the same.

You may be in the same boat as someone, but that doesn't mean you have the same sailing tactics.

I also hated the phrase, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". For so long, I had the hardest time with this. Slowly it's growing on me. If good things always lasted, we'd never grow up, we'd never change, we'd never learn.

When times are tough, its hard to look back and think of how perfect things used to be. But eventually, we look back on the hard times, sitting on the good times, wondering if things would ever be this good if the bad hadn't happened.

Nothing in life is permanent. Things change. Be hopeful.

Break ups don't necessarily mean things are over. Sometimes we just need a break.

Think about sports, coaches give the team a break because without them, they couldn't "go hard" forever. It's a chance to catch our breath, rebuild our endurance.

A good friend once told me, "I know what I had with her was real love, but its over, so I know whoever I'm supposed to be with, it'll be that much better."

If someone doesn't want to be with you, someone else does.

It takes a long time to walk away from love, and even longer to embrace new love.

The greatest love is when you realize you don't need them in your life, you just want them there.

You really don't know what you have til' its gone, so if you get it back make sure you realize what you have. Because eventually, it may not come back.

They say when one door closes, another one opens. Well I think if we close the door, we should just leave it unlocked; live our lives, but welcome someone back if they show up again.

I don't know what should happen, I only know what I want to happen.

I know what I want to happen, but I don't know what will happen.

One day at a time.


Entailing: Broken

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of falling in love.

I always heard about the good things, but they never told me about having your heartbroken.

I heard once, If we're meant to be, we'll end up together, but I believe if you're meant to be, you never would have wanted to part in the first place.

I believe we put everything we have on the line for someone, and would do it all again even after they rip it away from us.

I think it's strange how someone can hurt you so bad, but all you want it them, but even more, you want them to be happy.

I find it ironic when someone thinks they are doing something out of good, but all it does is damage what was fine in the first place. But I know I couldn't turn down another opportunity.

I think its intolerable how the heart breaks.

I wish it just simply changed, like changing your clothes;; no hassle, no pain, just something different.

Sometimes I wish I could snap my fingers and fast forward to happier times.

Tears are strange, but I think without them, no one would ever know how we were feeling, especially when we're at a loss for words.

I hate when you feel helpess, worthless, lost, empty, betratyed, and the other person seems perfectly fine.

But honestly, I know they're not fine. Pride takes its turn every now and then.

It's terrifying to decide whether or not to move on. If I wait, they will decide they don't want it. If I don't wait, they decide they will. Its a coin toss.

All you want to do is tell them you miss them. But you have to pretend you don't even know them.

It's hard not to regret something that hurts so bad, and its hard not to go back to someone who's damaged you.

If you loved someone, wouldn't you never want to let them go?

If you loved someone and let them go, wouldn't you do everything you could to keep them in your life?

People tell you not to cry, well they can all go to hell.

You don't remember your last kiss. Because you didn't think it'd be the last.

You wish you would have known being with them the last time, so you wouldnt take advantage of holding their hand one more time, being able to looking them in the eyes and tell them you love them.

Everywhere you look is a reminder.

You know you should put it all in a box, but not seeing it will only make you feel more empty than you already do.

Suddenly, life becomes colorless; spitting images in black and white.

You can be told 100 times its not your fault, but we will always think it is.

No matter how many people we're with, we still feel alone.

Someone new? Bigger and better things? If we thought that, we would have been moving on a long time ago.

Every lie is like a spill of gasoline on the heart, til eventually the match is dropped and the truth comes out. & thats exactly how it feels.

swollen eyes, quivering lips, sick stomach, sleepless nights, welcome to the world of the broken hearted.


Entailing Sometimes..

While waiting for my food a few days ago at lunch, I decided to pass the time by staring out the window at a group of pigeons.

Normally, when one bird flys away, they all do. But this was no ordinary group of pigeons.

Taking advantage of their ability to fly, they spread their wings and flew less than 10 feet away; minus one.

When all the birds decided to fly, one decided to go against the norm and walk the distance.

Immediately I laughed out loud to myself and thought, "I have a new respect for pigeons. He walked even though he could fly. That guy just didn't give a $%@!."

Thank you rebellious pigeon, you have inspired my next blog post. Who woulda' thought?

Sometimes, it's ok to be the rebel.

Sometimes, we just need to be.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way encouraging bad behavior, but, nor am I condemning it.

I'm sure we can all agree, life is boring sometimes.

You're a liar if you say you've never wanted to do something ambitious, because you're sick of being the "good kid" or just for the hell of it.

They key to bad behavior? don't let it become a bad habit.

Behavior is an every now and then sort of thing. Habit is an every day, or more than you should, sort of thing. Don't get them confused.

Excuses of a rebel:
- Class at 8 a.m.? Oops, did you hear my alarm? I sure didn't!
- You know.. I just thought that yellow light was going to be longer.
- I wish I could be in class to turn in that paper, but I think I caught the stomache flu.
- Officer, I think my speedometer is broken..
- I'm 21.. Until I get ID-ed.
- Sorry Mom, I really want to help you clean the house, but I have a study group!


"I just wasn't feelin' it":
- I have a test tomorrow.. Hopefully we can drop our lowest score.
- It's 5:00 p.m., thats funny I have to be at work at 5 p.m., hope I don't get fired.
- What curfew?
- That stop sign is useful.. when I care.
- Paycheck: I really wanted that "_______" more than I wanted to put it in the bank.

Are you relating yet?

Mom and Dad, sometimes we stay up all night long doing homework, so ya, sometimes it's perfectly fine to sleep til noon.

Professor, I sincerely apologize that somtimes my video game and facebook stalking for 3 hours is more important than your homework assignment.

Officer, you pulled my friend over for going 4 miles over, so sometimes I figure it's a go big or go home situation, right?

Car riding my ass, I wish I cared that you almost rear-ended me when I brake checked you, but sometimes I just don't.. It'd be your fault.

Annoying person in class, Sorry you got your feelings hurt, but sometimes I just can't bite my tongue.

Basically, sometimes we just don't do things according to ettique, law, or status quo. And sometimes, that'd perfectly fine.

Give yourself a little leash, but don't let go.

Sometimes I think we all need to be like the pigeon didn't give a %^#! and walked to his birdie friends.

I never would have thought a pigeon could teach me a lesson about life, but he did.

Don't get stuck in the rut of your everyday, plotted out, robot-like life.

Embrace the dirty looks and petty remarks. Go ahead and be a rebel.. sometimes.