
Entailing: That's Life

Rarely, does it turn out how we want it to.

There are good people, bad people, and a bunch of mediocre people.

Don't let any of them get in the way.

Roll with the punches, don't throw them.

As much as we try, we honestly have no idea whats in store for us.

Let what happens, happen.

Let the sun shine, and the rain fall.

You're only lifestyle should be happiness- not partying.

Surround yourself with the good vibes of good people.

Have a good time with healthy hobbies.

Regret little.

Don't let one person stop you from living your life.

& don't live your life for one person.

It's easier to forgive ourselves and others for what we've done rather than what we haven't.

There's no such thing as too much love.

Give just as much as you take.

Roll down the windows when everyone else has them closed.

Give it all you've got.

We've only got one shot

& that's life.