
Entailing 2010

Confetti flies and pots hit pans as December 31 becomes January 1.

New Years is a (if not the most) motivational holiday. Why? Because it's free.

In a matter of 24 hours you can change yourself, so to speak. We set goals to become who we want to be or limitations to get rid of who don't want to be.

New Years is an opportunity to rid the wrongs you've done, the regrets you posses, the memories you'd like to forget. Because the clock turns 12 a.m., we can wipe our slates clean and start something new.

Realistically, a new number on the calendar doesn't erase anything. The things we most want to forget are the things that are virtually impossible to do so.

But we can try. Without some sort of motivation, more than half of us wouldn't try again, so why not throw in a holiday to raise the bar?

New Years isn't necessarily a challenge to look forward, but an opportunity to look back.

Last 12/31, who were you? And this year, same question. The answer to both questions is most likely different.

What/who was your..
Political perspective?
Pick for superbowl champion?
Drink of choice?
Religious Belief
Best friend
Significant other
Role model
Living situation

Chances are more than one of these has changed, therefore, you have changed.

In the last year, who has kicked you to the ground? And who has picked you up?

Thank the people who made you who you are today. Not just the ones who helped you do good; you are never picked up if haven't fallen.

The past 365 days have not gone without fault nor without happiness. Appreciate what you earned and what you were given, be humble in what you gave.

New Years resolutions do not have a 90 day limit; If you haven't succeeded right away, try again.
- If you had that piece of cake on day 3 of your new diet, start over.
- If you went shopping the day after you got your paycheck, start saving and do better.
- Can't make amends with your ex, its ok, sleep on it, tomorrow is a new day.

News Years resolutions are not perishable, they do not have an expiration date.

Although, don't just wait for the new "year" to make a change. Every day is a new "day". The clock changes from 11:59 to 12:00 every night, the bite sized New Years, don't underestimate the power and opportunity of a new day.

In order to achieve any goal, you must
First: Believe in yourself. Edison would have never created the light bulb if he didn't believe it could be done.
Second: Be realistic. It's obvious you can't literally, "reach for the stars", its more like.. reach for the top cabinet. Set goals for yourself you can actually achieve.
Third: Forgive yourself. This is a prerequisite. We all make mistakes but if you cannot forgive yourself, you will be stuck in a rut you can't get out of. If you're stuck you simply cannot move forward.
Fourth: Positive influences. Surround yourself with people who support and help you achieve your goals. If you're trying to lose weight, it's probably unwise to be friends with a cake decorator. Understand?
Fifth: Embrace failure. Goals are clearly things you are not comfortable with or have not done before. Nothing is right the first time around, but that doesn't mean they're not meant to be or achievable.

As you end the year, give it a high five and a pat on the back on the way out. Say your thank yous and your goodbye's.

Take a deep breath and welcome the new year. Introduce yourself, and begin a flourishing relationship.

So raise your glass and make a toast, hello 2011.