
Entailing The Little Things

As a whole, we tend to be misled by the fact that our well-being is based on the big and central things in our life. What we fail to see is that a collection of little things is just as good.

They're the little things that happen periodically throughout the day that make us smile. The little things that make our day a little better.

When sheets/clothes are still warm when you pull them out of the dryer
Finding money in your pocket you didn't know was there
Your favorite song comes on the radio
A compliment from a stranger
Unexpected hugs (from someone you like that is)
Texts from a friend saying how lucky they feel to be your friend
Beating your high score on a game
Finding hidden notes
Not having your phone for a while, getting it and having a bunch of calls/texts.
When someone tells you you look pretty/nice
Genuinely being asked how you're doing
People remembering something you said when you didn't think they would
Getting in your car and noticing your parents filled your gas tank
Being told you make somebody proud
When friends show up at your work just to say hi
People at your game, cheering specifically for you
Finding an old picture that brings back good memories

The little things that matter vary in individuals, but I believe there is a common understanding that we love the the little things because they make us feel appreciated and reassured that somebody cares.

On the flip side, if there are little things that make us happy, there has to be the ones that do the opposite.

Dropping all your books when you're in a hurry
When your phone/ipod dies
How slow the internet can be sometimes
Wanting to wear something and realizing it's in the washing machiene
A pen runs out of ink or pencil out of led
Being able to tell someone doesn't want to talk to you
Seeing someone you like with another person
Can't remember the artist or title of the song stuck in your head
When a DVD skips, especially at your favorite part
Feeling used
Thinking its Thursday, but it's only Tuesday
Misplacing your keys
Forgetting you had homework due

Its apparent an accumulation of little things can actually play a part in our day. The good ones can make a day brighter and the bad ones can be the rain above your head.

I realized lately that unselfish living in the key to happiness.

Being the bigger person in a situation is a guarantee for happier living than resentment.

It's also a guarantee that we won't always get what we want, so what then? Rely on being content.

Last week at yoga, the card I recieved at the beginning was contentment; encouraging me to welcome and accept what life was giving me. This is extremely valid for my life right now as well as others.

For me, a typical high school girl, wants more than anything to get asked to prom senior year. Being a realist, It's extremely likely that wish won't come true. Disappointing? Very. But being content with it will make it easier.

I don't want to move. But its likely my dad will get a job and I will have to pack up and move away from whats familiar and comfortable. But if I look at it with a fresh perspective and become content, it could turn into an adventure.

Sorry, quite the tangent from "little things". Basically, if we live selflessly and do our best to complete the rhelm of little things in someone else's life, it's just as good as them happening to us.

Doing good for others becomes a domino effect, something little and effortless for us could mean to world to someone else.

You may not be stacked with dollar bills to hand over to charity, but use the resources you have to better the world, or at least one persons world.

We underestimate the power and effect we have; Define it, embrace it, use it.