
Entailing Fight

It's like a light switch. Something inside you ignites.

You can go on the field/court and shoot the ball and go one-on-one against your opponent. But you have to want to be there, you have to want the game.

If you don't have passion you have nothing.

Every coach and athlete knows you have to have passion to win.

But every human fails to realize you have to have passion to live; to do anything.

Everyone has goals, and going through the motions has never and will never get you where you want to be. Make the necessary sacrifices, go the necessary distance; go beyond the requirements.

If nothing in your life drives you, your life is probably boring. The most joyful moments are when we finally, metaphorically, flip off the challenges that have been laughing in our faces.

The easiest fuel to feed off of, "You can't do it"... Says who?

Everyday society challenges us to backdown and surrender, waving a white flag.

Stand up, look em' in the eye, and begin shooting; ammo of your choice.

Beat the other team, beat the record, beat cancer, beat the odds. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself.

Fight in the ring, fight for that girl, fight for your life. Whatever you do, don't stop fighting.

A life without passion is like bread without butter (or whatever topping you prefer). It can keep you alive, but its worthless and boring until you add something to it; once you experience that new sensation, it's hard to ever go back to plain bread again.

Prioritize and reflect. Are the things you're fighting for, really worth fighting for?

What things, if stopped fighting for, could you/could you not afford to lose?

The fight itself..

If what you were fighting for was easy, it wouldnt be fought over, it would be equally distributed among individuals.

Obstacles aren't signs from God to give up, it's a challenge to keep going.

Sacrifice sleep for it. Sweat for it. Consume your mind with it. Get after it. Don't stop until you get it; once you do, hold on it and never let it go.

Just as baking bread requires yeast, achieving anything in life requires passion. Without either of them, the turn out will never be as you want it.

Find one thing, or many for that matter, and devote your being to it. Achievements satisfy far more than failures hinder. Failures are just a special ingredient. They make it so much better when you finally succeed.

Ready. Set. Go.